Chapter 14: Two Knights vs Lord of Nature Part 2

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  (No one's p.o.v.)

  The 2v1 battle between Asta, Erza, and Azuma began with Azuma sending a cluster of vines at the two Knights who cut through them easily with their swords. Asta attacked by swinging his Demon Slasher Katana.

  "Demon Slasher: Black Slash!"

  A Black Slash flew straight towards Azuma who tried to defend himself by raising a wall of roots in front of him, but the slash cut clean through and hit the tree wizard with enough force to send him flying back several yards. Erza then used her Requip spell to change into a silver metal armor with a small, revealing breastplate that extends to her hips that are composed of feather-shaped plates pointing outwards with a a large metal flower on the front. The gauntlets were also sporting feather-shaped plates at the edges. The waist encircled by decorated, feather-shaped plates that lie on a long skirt. But the most noticable quality of this armor were the large, feather-shaped metal wings on the back. This was her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

 This was her Heaven's Wheel Armor

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  Asta was in awe of Erza and her silver armor as he thought, 'Wow, I've never seen magic like that before. And that armor, seeing her in it reminds me of Noelle's Valkyrie Dress spell. But more than anything, I haven't noticed before but she's probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.' He quickly pushed those thoughts out of his head as he turned his attention back to fight.

  Erza took off after Azuma and readied her swords to unleash her attack. She summoned numerous other swords while she held two of them in her hands. She charged at the Seven Kin member and struck him with a cross slash with the numerous other swords following behind for a continuous attack.

  "Heaven's Wheel: Blumenblatt!"

   However, Azuma had recovered in time and manipulated the tree branches to to block the hail of blades. He was about to retaliate, until suddenly Asta appeared from above with his Demon Slayer in hand and ready to slash down on Azuma. Asta had used his superior physical and athletic abilities to jump from tree to tree and get to a branch right over the tree wizard. Asta couldn't fly to him while riding Demon Slayer, because they were currently fighting in a forest of huge trees and he didn't have enough practice maneuvering through such a tight spaces on it. Azuma acted quickly to twist his body in midair to avoid the attack, but only by a hair, and he landed on a nearby tree branch and Asta landed on one just a bit below Azuma, who then was about to be hit by Erza's sword. But Azuma had unleashed a spell that not only protected himself, but would deal a great amount of damage to the female knight if it hit.

  "Tower Burst!"

  He extended his arms to his sides and a huge tower of explosive fire erupted from where he stood like an exploding volcano. Erza was hit by the attack and began to fall towards Asta, who caught her bridal style. "Are you okay?" He asked. She looked at him and replied, "Fortunately, yes. Thanks for catching me." He put her down and said, "No problem, Erza. Though we're going to need a plan to take this guy down if we want to win." "Agreed, though I think we need more power to break through his defenses and speed to catch him off guard." "I have something that'll help me gain more speed and power, though I'm going to need a few seconds to prepare. What about you? Do you have anything in your arsenal that would help you in this fight?" "I've got hundreds of different armor and weapons to choose from, and I can think of a few that can help in this situation." "Okay, then let's get started." Asta said as he stabbed Demon Slayer in the branch and put his left hand on the blade of Demon Slasher and kept his right hand on the hilt. He began to circulate the Anti-magic through his body as sparks of black and red lightning started to appear around him. Azuma and Erza watched when Asta suddenly transformed into his Black form, however it was very different than it was before. His hair completely turned pitch black, four horn grew out of the sides and top of his head, his eyes turned to red slits, and two black, bat-like wings emerged in his shoulder blades. The aura that his Black form emitted made both the female knight and the tree wizard shudder in fear. Erza thought, 'What is this ominous feeling? It doesn't feel like magic at all, it feels dark, violent, and almost sinister. Just what is this power?' Asta said to her, "Not the time to be gawking here, Erza." She snapped out of it and quickly used her Requip spell to change into a more revealing, cheetah themed armor with two swords. This was her Flight Armor.

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