Chapter 1: Beginning

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

  I was in a tough battle with the King of Devils, Lucifero. At my side was my devil partner and adopted brother, Liebe, who harbors a deep grudge against his own kind and more so against Lucifero for the cruelty that Devils had inflicted upon him since birth and Lucifero for killing our mother, Licita. The Devil King was already a threat to humanity, and after learning about his reasons for wanting Lucifero dead, it just gave me more of a reason to take him out.

  At the start of the fight, we entered Devil Union, an ability where the Devil is assimilated into their host, allowing the latter to use the Devil's power to it's full potential. We managed to fight evenly match against Lucifero and even injure him quite a bit, making him lose a portion of his horns and even his left arm, but he was still not slowing down. In fact, he was more determined to kill us after being hurt to such an extent. "YOU LOWLY WORMS!!!! ONCE I KILL YOU, I'LL SLAUGHTER EVERY OTHER HUMAN IN THIS WORLD, SO THEY WON'T EVER STAND UP TO ME AGAIN!!!!!" He yelled in fury. I replied, "Is the great king of Devils scared?" He growled, "What did you say?!" "Devils are supposed to be far stronger than humans. You even see all those weaker than you as nothing more than toys for you to sadistically play with. Now, two brothers with no magic at all are able to injure you, and are about to put you down like a rabid animal. And you're declaring that after you win, that you're going to commit genocide against humanity so that they won't ever pose a threat to you again. The only reason anyone would go that far is because their scared. You acknowledged us as a danger to you and have become afraid of humans."

  Lucifero went silent for a moment and growled again before shouting, "YOU INSOLENT VERMIN, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU BEG ME FOR DEATH BEFORE I'M FINISHED WITH YOU!!!!" He then charged at us with the intent to kill. I readied our Demon Slayer to counter the enraged devil. I swung the sword while deploying Black Divider to extend my reach and catch Lucifero off guard. The strike was about to cleave right through his chest when suddenly a portal had opened beneath us, and we began to fall. As we did, the trajectory of my slash shifted upwards, slicing through his chest but missing his heart. However, we didn't see what happened after that, we blacked out after falling further into the portal.



  When we woke up, we found ourselves in the middle of an unfamiliar forest with no idea how long we were out cold. I looked at my brother and asked him, "Hey Liebe, are you ok?" He replied, "Yeah, but I'm puzzled. Where the hell are we?" I responded, "I have no idea, but I don't think we're on the same continent as Clover Kingdom." He said, "I think you may be right for once, something feels different about this place." I got irritated and said to him, "Hey?! What do you mean 'for once'?!" Liebe answered also irritated, "Exactly what I said, you 90% idiot?!" "I've been right about many things before, and you know it!!" "Only 10% of the time you actually show intelligence, the rest of the time you're as stupid as a pile of horse crap!!!" We argued for probably half an hour before Liebe said, "Alright, let's stop. Bickering with each other isn't going to get us anywhere." He was right, we needed a plan. "Alright, we should probably look around and see if we can find a village nearby." He nodded and we began looking around.

  It took us a few hours, but after searching the area, we learned that we were on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. We couldn't just build a raft and sail back to civilization, we had no idea which way to go. Nor could we fly there without knowing how far we would have to travel. I was still working on flying on Demon Slayer. So, our only option was to stay on the island and wait for a ship to pass by. Luckily, during our search we found the ruins of an abandoned village in the forest, and an underground library as well. After looking through the collection of books, we could see that most of them were in good condition. It seemed that the people who used to live there took good care of that library. So we could assume that they loved to read.

  We looked through the books and saw that they were written in the same language as the Clover Kingdom's. We saw that there were books on everything, from plants and animals to military strategy. From every were able to find out, we were sent to a completely different world than our own. The mages here didn't need grimoires, they use magic power as extensions of their bodies. And what was the most surprising, was that people without magic power are common in this world while those in my world were extremely rare.

  After reading a bit, Liebe said, "Hey Asta?" I looked at him and said, "Yeah, what's up, brother?" "I've been thinking for a while. I think I should learn to fight as well as you." I was surprised by what he said and he continued, "The way we always work together, I supply the Anti magic while you fight the opponent directly, has a flaw. If you get too injured to fight, I won't be able to defend you well enough. I believe I should get better at fighting so I can look out for you. After mom died, I was left alone. I thought no one would ever care about me anymore. Then, after we met in the flesh, you actually shown kindness to me and accepted a Devil like me. Your the only family I have left, so I want to protect you." I understood why he felt this way. He was alone for so much of his life, more than I was growing up. When I was still a kid at the church, I told Yuno that we would treat our comrades as family when we became Magic Knights. Now, I discovered my own family, my adopted brother. "Okay, let's start training tomorrow. But get ready, I'm going to work you to the bone." He grinned and said, "Wouldn't have it any other way, brother." We gave each other a fist bump, while being totally unaware that we were being watched by a small girl.

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