Chapter 16: One Sided Beatdown and Parting

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  (No one's p.o.v.)

  Liebe began walking towards the Deputy Commander of Grimoire Heart, Bluenote Stinger, while brandishing his swords with a boundless fury and intense bloodlust from the mere sight of his opponent using the very same magic as the Devil who murdered his foster mother. Just the sight of Gravity Magic is enough to fill the young Devil with a rage that could burn the world to ash, and Bluenote was about to face that wrath first hand. The Dark Mage put his arms out in front of him before closing his palms as he called out his spell,

"Black Hole!"

  A dark orb appeared before his hands and began to generate a gravitational field that draws in everything around him, and it grew in size every second. Bluenote had a cocky smirk on his face since the gravity was stronger than with the spell that forced the members of Fairy Tail to the ground and that it would be enough to take down Liebe, but he would quickly find how wrong he was. Liebe lunged forward at an alarming speed and slashed through the Gravity spell with Demon Destroyer and followed up by performing a diagonal slash from right to left with Demon Dweller, sending Bluenote flying back. Liebe then charged towards his opponent while he was trying to stand back up. Bluenote then put magic power into his fist and threw a punch at his approaching enemy, but Liebe sidestepped and struck the gravity wizard with a horizontal slash from Demon Destroyer, sending him flying away again. Then, the Anti-magic Devil projected several Black Slashes at Bluenote and they all hit their mark.

The Fairy Tail members were shocked to see that the enemy was being overwhelmed so easily, though the middle aged man was even more shocked as he thought, 'That's just insane, Bluenote Stinger was a veteran of the Cabria War. No one was able to move while under his gravity, and this Devil is overpowering him like it's nothing. How?' Mira said aloud, "Sadly for him, magic is useless against Liebe." Everyone looked at Mira curious about what she meant and she continued, "Liebe doesn't have magic, he has Anti-magic, the power to nullify spells. I fought him earlier and he kept cutting through and sending any spell I threw at him back at me. This guy has no chance at winning." They were all surprised to hear this as they understood how the young Devil was able to move while subjected to Bluenote's Gravity Magic. But more than that, they understood why he was attacking the Gravity wizard with such fury. They heard Liebe's story from Mira and learned why he was so angry when he said that he hated himself for being a Devil and why he was so unpleasant towards them earlier. They couldn't blame him for this behavior, and they surely couldn't fault him for fighting back against Elfman and Evergreen after they provoked him. Right now, they just continued to watch the one-sided beat down between Liebe and Bluenote, and hoped that he doesn't go too far and kill the poor bastard.

Bluenote was trying his best to defend against Liebe's relentless onslaught, but all of his efforts proved to be in vain as nothing he tried was able to block nor land a blow on the young Devil as he dodged and countered all of his attacks. As he did, the marking on Demon Dweller's blade began to glow red as it was absorbing magic power from someone nearby. Once it glew bright enough, Liebe swung Dweller and released a Fire based slash attack at Bluenote. The gravity wizard tried to dodge it, but was too wounded from the attacks the Anti-magic Devil landed on him before to move well enough. The fire slash landed and sent Bluenote flying back and crashing into a stone wall with great force, knocking the Dark Mage unconscious and dispelling the Gravity spell that was restraining the members of Fairy Tail.

  (Mirajane's p.o.v.)

  While Liebe was fighting, we noticed that for some reason our magic power was being drained from us. So knowing that, even if we were able to break free from the gravity, we would be in no condition to fight. After Liebe defeated Bluenote, the gravity that kept us pinned to the ground vanished and we were able to move. And shortly after, just as strange and sudden as it started, our magic power was returning. I had no idea what happened, but that didn't matter at the moment. After the gravity was gone, we all stood up and Natsu ran straight for Liebe. I tried to tell Natsu to stop, but he got to Liebe quickly and asked, "What the hell was that last attack?! I could smell fire coming from that slash you threw at him! How did you do that?!" He was right, I noticed that the last attack Liebe did was a fire based slash. Liebe doesn't have magic power, so it made me wonder how he was able to use fire. He answered, "Mira, you should know how I was able to do that. Since I did it to you when we fought earlier." Everyone turned their attention to me and I thought back to when I fought Liebe, and realized that the sword he used to launch that fire slash was the same one he used to absorb my spell and send it back at me. Asta also used that same weapon when he fought Zancrow, he absorbed the God Slayer's spells and sent them back at him. Even Zancrow was able to deduce what the sword did, but I thought that it could only absorb incoming spells. I answered the young Devil's question, "That sword of your's can absorb magic power from your surroundings, charge itself with it, and release it in the form of a slash or a beam. Since you a fire based attack, that must mean you absorbed some of Natsu's fire magic, right?" He nodded and everyone else was surprised by that. Lucy stepped forward and asked, "Wait, does that mean that you were the one absorbing our magic power since the start of the fight?!" Liebe looked confused by this and said, "No, I only absorbed Pinky's magic, and that was later on in the fight. And even if I did, that last attack would've been much stronger than that." "That's weird, then what was draining our power?" Wendy asked puzzled.

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