Chapter 11: Flame God vs Devil Knight

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

  I just declared to the bastard named Zancrow that he would have to get past me if wanted Zeref, and he grew an arrogant smile before saying, "Is that so? Well, I guess I'll just have to incinerate you and bring Lord Zeref back with me. It shouldn't take more than two seconds to kill a magicless runt like you." Then, black flames burst to life in his hands and he threw a punch at me while calling out,

  "Flame God Explosive Flame!"

  Then, a massive stream of black flames came flying at me. I pointed Demon Dweller at the attack and absorbed it, shocking my opponent. I then reeled my arm back and threw attack back at him in a thrusting motion. Zancrow quickly got out of the way and I charged towards him at my top speed. I got right in front of him and he noticed me about to slash at him from the left with Demon Slayer. He bent backwards to dodge my slash and I followed up by performing a diagonal slash with Demon Dweller while he was trying to stand straight up again. The slash went across his torso and he jumped back to gain distance. Once his feet touched the ground he took a deep breath before exhaling a giant black fireball at me.

  "Flame God Bellow!"

  This time I used Demon Slayer to knock his spell back at him. While his line of sight was blocked, I launched a Black Slash at him. He took his own attack head on, but he sent flying back when my slash struck him. He landed face down and he slowly stood back up as I walked towards him. "How the hell are you doing that? You kept knocking my divine flames away and even threw them back at me. I'm a God Slayer damn it!" That last part caught my attention and I asked, "God Slayer? Is that the type of magic you use? I've read about Dragon Slayer Magic, but I never heard of God Slayer Magic." I really did read about Dragon Slayer Magic in the library at our camp, a magic that lets the user's body take on all the qualities of a dragon in order to fight a dragon. So I assumed that God Slayer Magic gives the user's body the qualities of a god in order to fight a god. This was actually pretty cool thing to see, to be honest. "Yeah, I'm a Flame God Slayer so a magicless human like you shouldn't be able to overpower me, and yet here you are doing just that." Zancrow replied irritated. "I have to admit, that's a pretty cool magic you have there, but I've face opponent whose flame magic can burn even invisible concepts." He seemed surprised by that and asked, "Really? And who might that be?" "A Devil named Naamah, but he's dead now." The 'God Slayer' scoffed and said, "Like you could defeat something that powerful when you don't have any magic power!" "And yet this magicless human is still overpowering you. Magic isn't everything. I've met plenty of people who believe their on top of the world because they have more powerful magic than anyone else, and I took them all down despite having no magic at all. Don't underestimate your opponent for what they don't have!!" I said to him, making him angry and he casted his next spell.

  "Flame God Scythe!"

  He created a large scythe out of his black flames and took a swing at me, but I side-stepped and cut through it with Demon Slayer and followed up by launching another Black Slash at Zancrow. This time he dodged the slash and fired another breath attack at me. I used Demon Dweller to absorb it and released the flames back at him in form of a slash. He jumped forward into the air and began to fall towards me with his fists covered in his divine flames. 'Looks like he's decided to fight at close range. He probably thinks that I won't have time to absorb his spells if he fights up close to me. Alright, bring it on, Zancrow!' I thought as I coated myself in Anti-magic to soften any blows that he may land on me. Once he got close enough I thrusted Demon Slayer at him, but he did a somersault in midair and spun around to kick my blade out of my hand and followed up my throwing a flaming, left hook at me. It hit me and I was sent sliding back. Zancrow replied, "I noticed something about your swords, kid. They have the power to nullify magic, don't they?" My eyes widened from the fact that he realized how I was throw his spells back at him. He continued by saying, "They both have the power to cut through magic, but each of them have a different second ability. The big sword can reflect magic by hitting it with the flat of the blade, while the smaller one can absorb magic and release it as either a slash or a beam. You're simply relying on a couple of weapons to win your battles, without them you can't fight against powerful wizards like me, can you? So all I have to do is take your swords away and you'll be powerless against me. You've had your fun long enough, now it's time for you die!" I smirked and replied, "You're right about my swords' abilities, but that doesn't mean that I'm powerless against you when my swords are knocked out of my hands." I raised my open hand and called out, "Slayer!" Demon Slayer came flying back to me and grabbed it's hilt. Shocking not only Zancrow, but the Fairy Tail members as well. Knowing that he was going to be on guard for the tactics I've used up to that point, I decided to try something that working on since Liebe and I had appeared on Tenrou Island. I began channeling my Anti-magic into my legs and with a small step, I appeared right in front of Zancrow and hit him with a slash from Demon Dweller before he even noticed me, sending him flying back into the trees with great force.

  That's right, I figured out how to simulate Fast Movement magic using Anti-magic. When me and Liebe were hunting the wildlife on the island, I noticed that some of the creatures here were quick to react to incoming threats, making it difficult to take down. So I started to think about ways to counter this, and the more I thought about it, the more I thought of mine and Yuno's fight with Licht. The leader of the elves would also appear right in front, behind or even above us using a Fast Movement magic to fight at ungodly speeds. That was when I started to train to use it myself and reach Licht's level of speed. It took 2 months but I was able to achieve that goal. Liebe also learned to do it but never used it unless he was sparring with me and Zeref because we were the only ones strong enough at the time to make him use it. That's why he didn't use this technique when he fought Mira earlier.

  Zancrow slowly got back up and looked both surprised and confused by what just happened, but I didn't give him a chance to launch another attack as I used Fast Movement again to get behind him and kicked him away. I continued to use Fast Movement and attacking while he was disoriented from the strikes he received before until I stopped and he was so badly wounded, he no longer had the strength to even walk. He just barely had the strength to keep himself standing and he said weakly to me, "You, you've been holding back until now, weren't you?" "I was gauging your strength at first until you landed a blow on me. That was when I decided to use Fast Movement since this was the first time I used it in a real battle." He was surprised by this but it soon turned to anger and he yelled, "You little runt! All this time you were playing with me?! I'm going to kill you if it's the last thing I do-" I cut him off by hitting him with one final slash from Demon Slayer and he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

I walked over to the others and saw that Mira was sitting up with Lisanna supporting her. They both had a look of shock and awe on their faces and Mira asked, "I can't believe you were able to move that fast, I couldn't follow you with my eyes. How did you do it?" I answered, "I used Anti-magic to strengthen my legs and increase my speed. My brother can do it too." They looked at Liebe surprised and Mira asked him, "Why didn't you use it in your fight with me?" He replied bluntly, "You weren't strong enough to make me use it." She was surprised again. Then, Lisanna changed the subject by saying, "Well, I guess I should say thank you for healing my sister, Zeref. And as for you Mr. Devil, thanks for not killing her. Oh I just realized we never introduced ourselves. My name is Lisanna Strauss, and this is my big sister, Mirajane." I replied, "You already know Zeref. My name is Asta, and my brother's name is-" "Liebe." We all looked at Mira and she looked at Liebe and smiled as she continued, "It's nice to meet you, Liebe. It's late, but better than never." He looked at her for a minute before looking away while saying, "Yeah, likewise Mira." "With the formalities out of the way, we should probably warn your guild mates about Grimoire Heart's plans here on Tenrou. I suggest we head to your camp and regroup with your friends." Zeref suggested and I replied, "We'll send the Fairies back to their camp, but we need to bring you back to our camp and hide you. Remember, you're one of their targets too. And if you're in the Fairy Tail camp, they'll be able to accomplish both of their objectives in one fell swoop. Our camp is safer for you, Zeref." "I still couldn't care less about Fairy Tail, but their camp isn't a safe place for you to be. Asta and I lived on this island for the little more than 8 months, we come to know this place like the back of our hand. We know every nook and cranny, and there's no better place to hide than our campsite." Liebe added.

Zeref sighed and Lisanna chimed in, "Hey wait, our friends are still scattered across the island, we need to find and help them too." She was right, her guild mates are on the island too and probably fighting this Grimoire Heart group. While me and Liebe still couldn't trust the group, Mira had actually gained a small amount of respect from my brother and that could lead him to open his heart to humans more. I honestly want him to let go of his resentment towards humans. Because, while I do understand why he hates them, he shouldn't push away anyone who tries to show him compassion, then he would just be left all alone again, just like when Mom died and before he met me. For that reason, I said, "How about this? Liebe, you take Zeref and Mira back to our camp and protect them. Lisanna, you and I will search the island for your friends and bring them back to your camp." "Why bring Mira back to your camp?" She asked. "Because your brother is in the area where our camp is. After Liebe knocked him out, we couldn't leave him out in the woods for predators to eat him. So we brought to close to our campsite where he'd be safe." She was surprised but soon nodded her head. With that decided, we split up and began our assigned roles.

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