Chapter 10: Tears for the Devil part 2

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(Mirajane's p.o.v.)

  I was watching the memories of the Devil, Liebe. And as I did so, I could only feel more and more sorry for him and my heart had broken again and again as I watched him suffer despite him never doing anything wrong. As I saw more of his memories, I began to wonder what it would've been like if I was in his position, if I was born without my brother and sister, if I was tormented for being in the minority and for being even part demon. Due to my past, I understood his pain if only just a little. So even though I was angry that Liebe had hurt Elfman, I couldn't blame him for the way he acted towards him. He had grudge against humans after the unjust treatment they had given him as a child.

Now I was in a red void with the young Devil standing before me as I still had tears in my eyes as the effect of seeing his past still remained. I said as I sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I had no idea you suffered so much through most of your life. After everything you were put through, you have every reason to despise both Devils and Humans. You suffered so much, and I was about to hurt you more. I feel disgusted with myself, I'm no better than the people who scorned me after I defeated that demon." This surprised him greatly and he stayed silent for a moment before asking, "You saw it, didn't you?" I knew what he meant by that and answered, "Yes, though I don't know how it was possible. I'm sorry for sticking my nose in your past." "I'm just surprised that you saw my past while I saw yours." I looked him surprised but still had tears in my eyes. He continued, "The Demon Destroyer Sword has randomly caused this phenomenon to occur in the past, but only the wielder could see into another's past, never both ways." 'So, something similar to this has happened before? That means he knows my past as well.' I thought. There was an awkward silence between us before I decided to ask, "So, you saw my past as well?" "I did, and it pisses me off that your happiness has lasted longer than mine. But I knowing that you faced discrimination similar to what I have, does make me feel some sympathy towards you. So I'm going to let you live." I was surprised to hear him say that and he continued, "I may be a Devil, but I refuse to be the kind of heartless monster the rest of my race are. Lucifero took our mom, if I were to rob your siblings of their elder sister, I'd be no different than him." I smiled at that and I said a tear stained smile, "Thank you, Liebe." He looked at me surprised to hear that I know his name, but it quickly faded as he figured out how I knew it. After that, we ended up in the real world and Liebe's sword had fully slashed through me, but it was still only a flesh wound. Though I knew I wouldn't be moving for a while and I had run out of magic power, causing me to turn back to normal and was about to fall to ground. But Liebe caught me and descended to the ground before gently laying me on the ground. I heard footsteps running towards us and I heard, "Mira!" I saw Lisanna, Liebe's brother, Asta, and the black haired man running towards us.

Lisanna looked worried about me and I couldn't say I blame her, I came out of the fight with the most injuries while Liebe barely even had a scratch on him. They made it to us and my sister saw my injury and looked at Liebe with fury in her eyes. Knowing that she was about to attack him, I said to her, "Lisanna don't." She looked at me like I was crazy and asked, "What? But why? He hurt you so badly and he even hurt Elfman, so why?" I answered, "He's suffered for so long and I was trying to hurt him more. It's true that he hurt me and our brother, but he was hurt far more than either of us, by both his own kind and by humans. He did what he did because he has a deep grudge towards us." Lisanna was confused by this but Liebe's brother and the black haired man were surprised to hear this and quickly figured out what I meant and how I knew what had happened to him. Lisanna asked, "Sis, what are you talking about?" "Let's worry about that later, Zeref can you heal Mira?" What Liebe asked surprised both me and my sister and the black haired man answered him, "Of course." 'Wait Zeref? This man is the legendary Black Wizard? But how is he still alive? He lived 400 years ago.' I thought in shock and disbelief.

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