Chapter 8: She-devil vs Anti-magic Devil

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  (Liebe's p.o.v.)

  The fight between me and the human girl was about to begin when she asked, "Hey Devil, I don't believe I got your name. Mind telling me before I beat your ass?" The tone in her voice as she said that pissed me off, another reason why I don't like most humans. I replied, "I see no point in telling you. After all, you're not going live long enough to remember it." After saying that, I rushed towards her with my swords ready to strike. Normally, this would be careless and foolish, but for me it would help catch her off guard. "You carelessly close the distance? Not very adept at fighting are you?" The human said as a large, dark orb formed in between her hands and she pointed it at me and said,

  "Soul Extinctor!"

  The orb erupted into a bean of dark energy that come flying at me, but I wasn't worried as I knew that it wouldn't hurt me at all. I unleashed a Black Slash using Demon Dweller and cut through the blast. The slash continued to tear through the beam of darkness and eventually reached the human, surprising her and making her jump up. I predicted she would and jumped forward into the air, coming at her to deliver a powerful strike with Demon Destroyer. She flew back, only getting grazed on her cheek by the tip of my sword. The two of us were then in the air looking each other in the eye when she touched the spot I had cut her and said, "Looks like I underestimated you, Devil. You're more skilled than I first thought." "Don't ever let your guard down around anyone, it might be the death of you. And by the way, I admit that your Dark Magic is strong, but I know another human who's better at using it than you." I replied with a devious smile. She got back into her stance and lunged at me, throwing punches, kicks, and even swipes with her tail. I dodged, weaved, blocked, and countered each one of her her attacks. I eventually kicked her away to get some distance before launching a barrage of Black Slashes at the human. They all landed and she was sent crashing into the trees.

  I heard the girl that she called Lisanna yell to her, "Mira!" I then knew the name of my opponent. I sensed her Ki coming closer and out of the forest bit by bit, until she emerged from the tree line, revealing that she was bleeding like a raw steak from numerous cuts on her body. She looked up at me and said, "I'm honestly irritated that I haven't been able to land a blow on you yet. You keep blocking and dodging my attacks  perfectly, are you reading my mind or something?" I answered, "You really think I would tell you what I'm doing just because you asked? No warrior is that gullible." "Heh, you're right, but it was worth a try." Mira replied with a nervous chuckle. "Well if I want to beat you, then I'll have to go all out. So get ready, Devil." She declared with a serious tone as aimed palm of her hand at me and another orb of darkness appeared in it. She called out,

  "Evil Shower!"

  Then, a hail of dark magic bullets came flying towards me. I cut through all of the shots that would've hit me with both Dweller and Destroyer, and was about to launch another Black Slash towards Mira, but she quickly made her way in front of me with her fists enveloped with Dark Magic. I knew this strike was going to be more power than the others, so I quickly used a cross block with my blades and coated them with Anti-magic as she threw a punch at me.

  "Explosion Fist!"

   The magic on her fist exploded before it made contact with my swords and I was pushed back a ways. Thankfully, I coated my swords with Anti-magic to soften the blow, or I would've been disarmed and open for another attack. She quickly followed up with her attack by firing another beam of Dark Magic but from only one hand.

"Evil Explosion!"

  That was when I chose to do something new that Asta and I had learned while training with Zeref.

  Flashback - 2 days ago

  We were really given a work out from sparring our friend, the Black Wizard Zeref. His spells were so powerful and fast we could barely defend against them. "Hey Liebe, doesn't this seem like the time me and Yuno were fighting Licht? The blasts he hit us with were just as strong as his, he even sent Yuno's right back at with the-. Wait, I just thought of something." Asta spoke this thoughts until he announced he had an idea. He whispered it to me and I was surprised to hear that it was actually a good idea, which he only has 10% of the time. I said to Zeref, "Hey Zeref, there's something we want to try. Could you fire off a spell at me when I  give the signal?" He looked was surprised by that but knew that we would be alright since we have Anti-magic. He charged up his spell and I readied the Demon Dweller by pointing it at the spell the Black Wizard was charging. I said, "Fire away!" And he launched the spell at me.

  Flashback over

  As the beam of Dark Magic came flying towards me, I pointed the Demon Dweller at it. Once it made contact, the spell was quickly absorbed by the sword, shocking Mira and Lisanna, who was watching the fight. I reeled back my arm and discharged a Dark Magic based slash at my opponent who was still too shocked to get out of the way. However, she was able to react in time to defend herself by creating a shield of darkness, but it still wasn't enough to protect her from damage. The slash was still laced with Anti-magic which went through her shield. Mira staggered back after getting hit and I took this as an opportunity to deal a finishing blow. I flew straight for her and got ready to strike with Demon Destroyer. She tried to counter me throwing another explosive punch, but I smacked her fist out of the way with the flat of Demon Dweller's blade and carried on with my attack. I slashed Mira from the left shoulder to her right hip, however something unexpected happened before the blade went all the way across her torso.

  A huge amount of Anti-magic erupted from Demon Destroyer and quickly enveloped both of us. I had seen this before when Asta tried to exorcise Patri from Vangeance while he was in his dark elf form. This meant that I was about to enter her mind and see her memories. I was curious as to why this was happening now, and perhaps how it's possible for Anti-magic to enable me and Asta to peer into someone's mind, so I brought my full attention to what I was about to see as images began to appear.

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