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Haley's POV

I heard yelling from the kitchen again. "Well if you just get your lazy ass to work, we wouldn't have these problems!" My dad shouted at my mom.

"I have to stay here for Haley, she's four!" My mom argued back.

"Put her in day care!"

"And where are we going to find money for that?"

"From the work that you SHOULD be doing!"

I slowly got out of bed and peeked out of my room into the kitchen.

"This isn't my fault!" My mom shouted at my dad. "Maybe you should have gotten a better job!"

"I knew I shouldn't have married you. We were just in high school!"

"You had to marry me, I was having your child! If you didn't get me pregnant, we wouldn't be having this issue! So stop acting like it was all my fault!"

"Daddy?" I asked as I entered the room.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled at me. I took a quick breath in, not knowing what to do. He never yelled at me like that before. "No, Haley, I didn't mean to..." He trailed off, then turned towards the front door, stomped towards it, and left the house, slamming the door behind him.

I looked to my mom with tears in my eyes. "Hayley, don't. Just don't say anything," my mom whimpered as she stormed towards her room, slamming the door behind her.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. It was the last night I ever said a word. My parents didn't seem to mind too much. They just continued to argue every night like they always have done. One day the both went to jail for hitting each other. The officers tried to ask me who hit who first, but I refused to talk. I didn't have anywhere else to live, so they put me in foster care. When my parents got out of jail, neither of them wanted me back. I tried to stop the silent tears from running down my face, but I couldn't. Would they have taken me back if I had just talked?

There was only one person I could go to, and that was Abby. I quietly shuffled out of my room and into Abby's. I put a hand on her arm, and she jerked awake. "Haley?" She asked while her eyes squinted at me. I nodded with a sniffle. I was still crying. "Haley, what's wrong?" She asked as she scooted over in her bed and lifted her covers up, allowing me to lay down. I climbed in and snuggled against her. "Shhh," she said quietly as she stroked my hair. I whimpered into her chest.

"I'm s-sorry," I said, my first words in two years.

"What?" Abby asked, looking at me in shock.

"I-I'm sorry, A-Abby."

"For what?"

"Are you mad that I wouldn't talk?"

"What? No, no I wasn't. I'm happy that you are. Why do you think I'm mad? What makes you want to talk?" She rambled.

"D-Do you think i-if my parents knew I s-started talking, they'd t-take me back?"

"Haley, I don't think it has anything to do with you not talking."

I sniffled. "Okay."

"Do you want to explain to me?"

"Explain what?"

"Why you're crying, and why all of a sudden you're talking," Abby sad.

I shook my head. "Not yet. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Haley. It's okay," she assured me as she hugged me tighter. At least I know Abby will listen when I need her to.

So sorry for not updating in a while! These past few weeks have been hectic, but my summer starts on Thursday, so updating should be easier. Thanks for reading! :)

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