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Abby's POV

Haley slept in my arms most of the day. I didn't make her get off of my lap. She was content there the whole day. I had to fight with her to get her to eat, but when she did, it didn't take long for it to come back up.

We were watching tv, well I was while Haley slept, her head in my lap. I felt her forehead, and she felt even hotter than earlier. "Demi, can we check her temperature again?"

"Sure," Demi responded as she looked for the thermometer.

I lightly shook Haley's arm, trying to wake her up. She just whined at me. "I want to take your temperature again." Demi brought the thermometer and sat next to us. Haley opened her mouth just wide enough for me to put the thermometer in. I told her to make sure it was under her tongue and then waited. When it beeped, I took it from her mouth. My eyes were wide when I read it. 103.5 (Fahrenheit).

"Let me see," Demi said, looking at the thermometer. "I'll try and get an appointment with my doctor." Demi left to call her doctor, and I continued to sit with Haley. She cuddled into me. A few minutes later, Demi came back in. "Abby, go get your shoes on. I'm going to call my mom to see if she can come over and watch the other two, but I want you to come with me." I nodded and picked Haley up. She scrunched her nose, not wanting to move. She laid her head on my shoulder as I carried her to my room. I laid her down on my bed and went into my closet to get some shoes. I left my room, leaving Haley on the bed, and went to her room. I grabbed a pair of her shoes, then went back to her. I helped her get them on.

"Where are we going?" She croaked out.

"To the doctor's. You have a pretty high fever."

"I just want to stay here."

"I know, but the doctor can help you feel better." I picked her back up and brought her back to the living room.

"My mom will be here soon," Demi told me.

Kacie skipped over to me. "Why can't I come?" She said, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Because Demi doesn't want to have to keep track of everyone while at the doctor's."

"You get to go."

"Because Demi wants someone to help."

"I can help," Kacie argued.

"Nope, I'm the oldest, I get to help," I said playfully. The doorbell rang, ending the conversation.

Kacie rushed to Demi as she opened the door. "Thank you so much, Mom," Demi said as her mother came in. "This one is Kacie," She said, gesturing to the little one clinging to her leg. Sammi stood up. "That's Sammi." Sammi gave her a warm smile. "The older one is Abby and our sickie is Haley."

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Dianna."

"I would love to stay and talk, but we need to get Haley to the doctor's," Demi said, grabbing her keys. "Kacie, go hang out with Sammi."

"I want to stay with you."

"But you can have fun with Dianna," she said excitedly.

"No, I want to stay with you."

"Kacie, we have to go," I said, trying to help Demi.

"No." Demi attempted to pry Kacie off of her leg, but she wouldn't let go. "No!"

"Kacie, please," Demi begged.


Dianna came over and picked Kacie up. My little sister squirmed, trying to get out of her arms.

"I can handle it," Dianna said.

"Thanks, Mom. I'll be back as soon as I can."

We left the house to the noise of Kacie's screams. I knew this would happen.

We got into the car and I buckled Haley's seatbelt. "Sorry about that. I told you she'd get clingy."

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