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Abby's POV

The prank war ended when Demi told me that she was going to stop. I teased her about it for a while, but then she explained to me how she promised Kacie that she would stop. I understood after that.

I've actually really like living with Demi. There's something different about her than all of the other foster parents we've had. We've now been with her for two months. It doesn't feel that long, though. She's decided to home school us when school starts again. She's pretty busy, so I don't blame her. I'm glad we don't have to go to public school. I was always picked on, but I never told anybody. No one would be able to do anything about it, anyway. I know Haley was picked on because she refused to talk. She wasn't ever able to go to any normal classes. Every school made her stay in a class for kids with disabilities. She still doesn't talk to anyone besides me. Sammi is now eating fine on her own. She's gotten over her fear of eating without anyone tasting her food first. I'm really glad that she's convinced that no one is trying to giver her anything bad. Kacie is still really clingy to Demi, but it's not as bad as I had anticipated. I've been helping with keeping her occupied so she won't be so attached, and I think it's working.

I fell asleep thinking about how great the girls and I have been with Demi, but I was later woken up by soft whimpers. I opened my eyes to see a small figure shaking in my doorway. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I recognized the figure.

"Sammi?" I asked towards the door way. She continued to shake and quietly cry. "Come here," I said as I scooted over in my bed, making room for Sammi. She ran over to my bed and quickly crawled beside me. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest. "What's wrong?" Instead of answering, she whimpered. "It's okay," I whispered. "Was it a dream?" She nodded, her head still rested on my chest. I pulled her in closer. "It's okay, it's all over." I stroked her hair as she stopped shaking and her breathing became smoother. "Who was it?"

"Dad," she whispered with a sniffle.

"He can't get you now. You're safe," I whispered. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back as she continued to gradually calm down. She fell asleep in my arms, and I eventually drifted off as well.

This is soooo short, and it's just a filler chapter :/

So as you can tell, I'm not deleting this story. Everyone commented that they wanted me to keep it, so I decided to continue writing it.

I have an idea for this, but I feel like it's too early in the story to use it. Please comment suggestions on what you think should happen. I will write them and give credit for the idea in the author's note. I appreciate EVERY idea!

Thank you for being so supportive of this story!

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