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Abigail Hawthorne

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Abigail Hawthorne

Getting onto the train was a blur, Effie's voice seemed to be somewhere far away. "You two haven't had trip? Crystal chandeliers. Platinum donuts. 200 miles per hour and you can barely feel a thing. I think its one of the wonderful thing is about this opportunity, that even though you're here and even though it's just for a little while. You get to enjoy all of this. I'm going to find Haymitch. He's probably in the bar car." Effie trilled, walking off through the sliding doors. "Have you ever met him?" Peeta asked, I just stared at him.

"Haymitch?" Peeta asked and I again, didn't reply. "You know, Abigail, he is our mentor. He did win this things once. Look! You know if you don't want to talk, I understand. But I just don't think there's anything wrong with getting a little bit of help." Peeta said snappily, I looked up at him, about to say something but someone cut me off.

"Congratulations." It was Haymitch, the smell of alcohol radiated off his breath making my nose wrinkle. "Where's the ice?" Haymitch asked, looking at Peeta. "I don't.. I don't know." Peeta said and I looked at him. "Okay, so when do we start?" Peeta asked, looking Haymitch up and down. "Whoah. You're so eager. Most of you aren't in such a hurry." Haymitch said, taking a sip of his whiskey. "Yeah. I wanna know what the plan is. You're our mentor, you're supposed to..." Peeta said, trailing off noticing the look on Haymitch's face.

"Mentor?" Haymitch asked with a smirk. "Yeah. Our mentor, you're supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us advice." Peeta said causing Haymitch to smirk, it irritated me. "Oh, okay. Ummm... embrace the probability of your imminent death and know, in your heart, that there's nothing I can do to save you." Haymitch said and my mouth parted in shock. "So why are you here then?" I asked and he smirked, raising his glass of whiskey. "The refreshments."

Peeta suddenly reached out and tried to grab his glass, Haymitch's foot caught Peeta's chest and pushed him back, I grimaced at the sight of his feet. "Okay, I think that's enough of that." Peeta said sternly but Haymitch shook his head. "You made me spill my drink. It's a brand new pants. You know, I think I'll go finish this in my room." Haymitch snarled and stood up, I stared at him in disbelief, Peeta and I were doomed.

"He's gonna come around." Peeta said, standing up and following Haymitch. "What? It's no use." I said and Peeta sighed. "I'm gonna go talk to him." Peeta said and left me alone. I headed to bed after waiting for Peeta who didn't return, I got silky pyjamas on that tugged at my curves, I could change the scene of my wallpaper and I found a forest, I pressed my hands up against the glass as it looked familiar to the meadow in District twelve, it made me miss home.

I woke up the next morning, not remembering even falling asleep. I changed into a green blouse with jeans, heading towards the kitchen. "You'd freeze to death first." Haymitch said and I frowned. "No, cause I'd have a lot of fire." Peeta said and I listened at the door. "Now that's a good way to get killed." Haymitch said and I walked in, wanting to know more. "What's a good way to get killed?"

"Oh! Joy. Why don't you join us? I'm just giving some life-saving advice." Haymitch said and I sat down warily. "Like what?" I snapped and they both looked at me. "I wa... I was just asking about how to find shelter." Peeta said and I started to butter some toast. "Which would come in handy if in fact you were still alive." Haymitch said with a smirk. "How do you find shelter?" I asked but Haymitch ignored me. "Pass the jam?" Haymitch asked which irritated me. "How do you find shelter?" I asked again, my voice getting louder. "Give me a chance to wake up sweetheart."

"This mentoring is very...taxing stuff. Can you pass the marmalade?" Haymitch asked but I'd picked my knife up and stabbed it directly between his forefinger and thumb. "That is mahogany!" Effie grimaced, Peeta was smirking at me. "Look at you! Just killed a... place mat! You really wanna know how to stay alive? You get people to like you." Haymitch said and my lips parted in shock. "Oh! Not what you're expecting. When you're in the middle of the games and you're starving or freezing, some water, a knife or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only comes from Sponsors. And to get Sponsors, you have to make people like you. And right now, sweetheart, you're not off to a really good start."

It irritated me how Haymitch called me sweetheart. Peeta suddenly gasped, standing up and looking out of the window. "There it is. It's huge." Peeta gushed, I just rolled my eyes not caring about the Capitol as they were the ones sentencing me to death. "That's incredible. Come on." Peeta looked at me, waving to the crowd. "You better keep this knife, he knows what he's doing."

My prep team Flavius, Venia and Octavia were scrubbing me with every inch of my life, waxing every part of me, painting my nails, doing my makeup and hair. "What's that?" I asked as I spotted Flavius whispering something to Venia. "What's that?" I asked again as the pair just stared at me. "We were just saying we might need to hose you down again before we take you to Cinna." Flavius said and I sighed, but nodding.

"My name is Cinna." My stylist said, walking over to me. "Abigail." I said and he nodded. "I'm sorry that this happened to you. And I'm here to help you in any way I can." Cinna said and I smiled warmly at him. "Most people just congratulate me." I said solemnly, he moved a strand of hair out my face. "I don't see the point in that. So tonight they have the Tribute Parade. They're gonna take you out and show you off to the world." Cinna said and I nodded with a smirk. "So you're here to make me look pretty?" I asked and he laughed slightly. "I'm here to help you make an impression. Now usually, they dress people in their close to their district."

"Yeah. our's was coal miners." I say, hoping we didn't get dressed up naked like the last tributes, they were the laughing stock of Panem. "Yeah. But I don't wanna to do that. I'm gonna do something that they're gonna remember. Did they explain about trying to get sponsors?" Cinna asked and I nodded. "Yeah, but I'm not very good at making friends." I said and he rubbed my shoulder. "We'll see. I just think, somebody that brave shouldn't be dressed up on some stupid costume now, should they?"

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