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Abigail Hawthorne

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Abigail Hawthorne

I headed to the Cornucopia, hiding behind the bushes surrounding it, the supplies were built up in a pyramid, the boy from district 4 guarding them. Fox face suddenly came out of nowhere and done a funny little dance up-to the supplies, taking things and doing the same funny dance back.

The supplies must be surrounded by mines, I saw a bag of apples in a netted bag, I bit my lip, raising the arrow and shooting, the bag ripped but non of the apples fell out, I loaded my arrow again and fired, the bag ripped and the apples came tumbling to the ground, the air around me exploded and I was flung off my feet, rubble and ash around me, my ear was feeling funny, I couldn't hear and was getting a ringing feeling.

I got up and quickly headed to find Rue, when I got to the fire it wasn't lit, something wasn't right. "Rue!" I shouted beginning to run. "Rue!" I shouted looking for her and beginning to panic. "Abi! Abi!" I heard Rue cry, I looked frantically around for her. "Rue!" I shouted and that's when I found her, she was caught in a rope, probably meant for Cato. "Rue!" I ran over to her and cut the rope free, I pulled her into a tight hug. "You're safe, you're safe." I whispered, but her eyes were fixed on something else, I turned around and it was Marvel.

"You made Cato weak." Marvel hissed and my eyes widened as he threw the spear, I aimed my arrow and hit him in the chest, he fell to the floor and the cannon boomed making me jump, Rue whispered behind me, I turned around and my eyes watered, the spear was lodged in her chest, she stumbled backward and I caught her, placing her head on my lap. "Please find Cato and win, for me." Rue whispered and I smiled softly. "Did you blow up the food?" Rue asked and I bit my lip. "Every last bit." I said and she gave a giggle. "Will you sing?" Rue asked and I nodded again, swallowing hard.

"Deep in the meadow," I sung quietly. "Under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow." I whispered kissing Rue's forehead. "Lay down your head, and close your eyes, and when you wake the sun will rise." I whispered and Rue's eyes finally closed, the cannon went off, I cried and pressed my forehead against hers. I grabbed a fistful of flowers and threw them, screaming at nothing.

Once I regained myself, I decorated Rue's body with flowers before the hovercraft could take her away, I stood up, knowing she'd want me to continue, I pressed my three fingers to my lips and raised them into the air, knowing the Capitol were airing me right now and that Rue's district would see the silent salute. I walked and walked until I finally broke down, Rue had reminded me of Posy, I buried my head in my hands and cried until I felt numb.

I hated the Capitol and President Snow for putting Rue through this and killing her. "Attention Tributes. Attention!" Ceaser's voice rang through the arena. "The regulations acquiring a single victor has been suspended. From now on, two victors maybe crowned." Ceaser's voice rang out, my eyes shot up. "Cato." I breathed in a whisper, I jumped down from my tree and went to look for Cato.

Rue had said he was by the lake so that's where I was headed, I was sprinting now. "Abi, Abigail!" The voice was Peeta, I stopped dead in my tracks. "The thing with Cato... it's a trap." Peeta rushed and I looked at him. "Wha... what?" I asked, my voice breaking. "He and Marvel were arguing, and they..." Peeta said but I shook my head. "No... no," I whispered and he nodded. "I'm sorry, Abs, I'm sorry." Peeta said but Cato was the only one to call me Abs, Peeta raised a sword to me and I whimpered and backed away.

I ran as fast as I could, running towards the lake, in search of Cato. "Cato?!" I cried, looking around frantically. "Cato?!" I gasped and held my knees to catch my breath, something groaned under my feet and I jumped back. "Cato!" I gasped, seeing him lying on the ground. I helped him up and flung my arms around him, he groaned. "I'm sorry, I'm..." I said and Cato cupped my hair.

"C'mon, oh - Cato, your leg." I let out a whimper at the sight. "Marvel attacked me, after I saved you." Cato whispered and I touched his cheek. "C'mon, we will get you somewhere safe." I said and he nodded, limping along, we found a cave in an opening. "Peeta tried to kill me." I said and his eyes widened. "What? When?" Cato asked and I bit my lip. "He told me you and Marvel were arguing and that you loving me had all been a trap." I said and his body stiffened. "Me and Marvel did argue, but because he said you made me weak and I should just kill you off. He stabbed my leg because I told him." Cato whispered and I pushed a strand of hair out his face.

His lips met mine in a soft kiss, I looked at his leg which was sliced, but not to the bone. "We need to get this cleaned up." I said and he grimaced. We headed to the lake and I helped him ease his leg in the water, he squeezed my hand and gritted his teeth. "It's okay Cato." I whispered and he nodded, I stroked his hair and grabbed some fabric from his backpack, gently dabbing at his wound.

"I love you, Abi, you know that?" Cato asked, and I nodded. "I love you too, Cato." I whispered pressing a kiss to his lips. "It's bad, huh?" Cato asked but I shook my head. "It's gonna be fine." I whispered but he moved a strand of hair out my face. "I'm not gonna leave you! I'm not gonna do that." I said and Cato bit his lip. "Why not?" Cato asked and I kissed his lips. "Nobody's gonna find you in here." I said and he looked at me. "They already found me." Cato said with a grunt as he moved his leg. "We'll just get you some medicine." I said but he shook his head. "I'm not gonna get many parachutes."

"We'll figure something out." I said and he frowned. "Like what?" Cato snapped and I looked at him. "Something." I said when the tinkling of a parachute was heard, I headed to the outer of the cave and there one was, I picked it up and opened it, it was soup and a note from Haymitch. You call that a kiss? - H

I headed back into the cave. "Is that medicine?" Cato asked but I shook my head. "No, soup." I said and he groaned, sitting up. "No, I'll do it." I said and he nodded. I fed him the soup, he chuckled. "No need to baby me." Cato said and I rolled my eyes. "Shush, and eat." I said and he nodded. "You feel hot." I said, his forehead was roasting warm. "I remember the first time I saw you." Cato whispered and I looked at him. "Y-you looked breathtaking in that getup." Cato said but I cut him off with another kiss. "Cato, just relax." I whispered but he shook his head. "No Abs, from that moment I wanted to make you mine."

"Well, say something." Cato whispered but I shook my head. "I'm not good at saying something." I said, instead of replying I kissed him passionately. "Come here." Cato said, cuddling me into him. "Abs, even if I don't make it..." Cato whispered but I shook my head, stroking his cheek. "No, please, don't think like that." I said, cuddling in close.

"Attention Tributes. Attention! Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion, each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts."

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