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Abigail Hawthorne

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Abigail Hawthorne

"Your medicine." I whispered to Cato, he shook his head. "You're not going alone." Cato said and I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, you need it and you can't walk." I snapped, he looked taken a back. "Abs, you're not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you." Cato said but I cut him off with a kiss.

"You would do it for me, wouldn't you?" I asked and he nodded. "Why are you doing this? Now there's no way I'm letting you go." Cato said but I shook my head. "Cato, please." I said and he pulled me close. "Stay?" Cato asked and I nodded. "Okay, I'll stay." I said pressing a soft kiss to his lips and cuddling to his chest. I waited until Cato was fast asleep, heading out of the cave I covered it so you wouldn't be able to see Cato and made my way to the Cornucopia. There were only me, Cato, Thresh, Clove, Foxface and Peeta alive now.

I saw the horn and two bags with the number 12 on, I ran towards it when I heard something flying through the air, it was a knife, I ducked but Clove tackled me to the ground. "No!" I spat in her face and tried to push her off me but she'd pinned my arms down with her knees. "Where's lover boy?" Clove asked, running her blade across my forehead. "Oh I see. You're gonna help him. Well, that's sweet. Well, it's too bad that you couldn't help your little friend. That little girl, what was her name again? Rue?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice, I tried to pry her off me, how dare she mention Rue's name.

"Yeah. Well, we killed her. And now we're gonna kill you." Clove said and went to raise her knife, suddenly she was ripped from me by Thresh. "You kill her?" Thresh shouted and Clove was pleading for mercy. "No!" Clove cried but Thresh shoved her against the horn. "I heard you! You said her name!" Thresh growled, shoving her again, Clove was screaming, one more shove and I heard a crack, Clove lay motionless on the floor. "Just this time twelve, for Rue."

I grabbed the backpack with my name on and sprinted back towards the lake and Cato, I climbed back under the tunnel of the cave when Cato started stirring. "Cato, I got the medicine." I said and he looked startled. "Abs, I told you..." Cato said but I kneeled beside him. "What happened to you?" Cato asked but I shook my head. "I'm alright." I said but he shook his head. "No, you're not. What happened?" I bit my lip and looked at him. "The girl from your district, she threw a knife. but I'm okay." I said and he sighed, pressing his forehead against mine. "You shouldn't have gone. you said you weren't gonna go."

"You got worse." I said and applied some of the medicine to Cato's wound, he grimaced and groaned. "You need some of that too." Cato said, putting some on his thumb and running it over the scar where the blade sliced my forehead. "I'm okay." I said, applying more to his wound. "That feels better." Cato said and I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Lay with me?" Cato asked and I nodded. We must've fell asleep because I woke up with a jump.

"Oh my god Cato, your better." I whispered, pressing a kiss to his lips, his temperature had gone right down. "I can hardly feel anything. We could go home." Cato said and I nodded. "We could, we could go home." I said and he wrapped me into a tight hug.

We went to gather food as our supplies were running low. "We know Thresh took off. Peeta's gonna be by the Cornucopia. He's not gonna go places he doesn't know. Fox Face, she could be anywhere. We should probably hunt around here. We don't have any food left." Cato said and I nodded. "Okay, uh, I'll take the bow." Cato said and I raised my eyebrows at him. "I'm just kidding. I'll locate some stuff."

I went about fifty yards in the opposite direction to hunt for prey, a cannon went off and my breath hitched in my throat. "Cato?!" I screamed, running back towards our spot. "Cato?!" I cried, when I saw berries on the ground, nightlock. "Cato!" I shouted, fear flooding through my body. I screamed as I bumped into someone, it was Cato. "Are you okay?" Cato asked and I shoved him. "I heard the cannon! That's nightlock, Cato! You'd be dead in a minute!" I shouted, my voice breaking. "I..,.. I didn't know." Cato whispered and I glared at him. "You scared me to death. Damn you."

I flung my arms around him and let out a whimper. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Cato whispered, cupping my hair and holding me tighter. "I never even knew she was following me." Cato whispered as we found Foxface laying dead on the floor. "She was clever. Too clever." I said and I scooped the berries from her hand. "What're you doing?" Cato asked and I smirked up at him. "Maybe Peeta likes berries too?" I asked and he chuckled.

We sat eating squirrel. "What time is it?" Cato asked and I frowned. "A little after noon." I said and he bit his lip. "Why is it getting so dark?" Cato asked with a frown. "They must be in a hurry to end it." I said when the sound of rabid dogs, screaming and a cannon wrenched our ears. Thresh's face come onto the night sky. "What was that?" Cato asked and I looked at him with a grimace. "The finale." I said and he brought me in for a passionate kiss.

We ran towards the Cornucopia hoping to find Peeta when we were set on by the same rabid dogs. "Cato! Cato!" I cried, he helped me on top of the horn and I pulled him up, Cato gasped and I turned around, but it was too late. Peeta had Cato in a headlock, almost choking him. I got an arrow and loaded it into my bow, aiming for Peeta who's face was bloody and oozing. "Go on. Shoot. And we'd both go down and you'd win. Go on. I'm dead anyway."

I stared at Peeta and Cato, Cato's face was turning blue. "I always was, right? I didn't know that until now. Isn't that what they want, huh? Huh! No! I can still do this. I can still do it. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do. Bring pride to the district. Not that it matters." Peeta said, he was smiling like a maniac. "Please let him go." I whispered but Peeta shook his head.

Cato pointed to Peeta's hand, telling me to aim for there, I released the bow and Peeta stumbled back, falling off the side of the Cornucopia. "Cato!" I ran to him and enveloped him in my arms, pressing a kiss to his lips, we stood there in our own embrace. The dogs were still going on Peeta, I broke away from Cato. "Shoot." Cato whispered and I loaded an arrow and shot Peeta in the head.

"Attention. Attention Tributes. There has been a slight rule change." Ceaser's voice rang through the arena, I held Cato's arms. "The previous provision allowing for two victors from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor maybe crowned. Goodluck." Ceaser said and I buried my face in Cato's neck. "And may the odds be ever in your favour."

"Go ahead. One of us should go home! One of us has to die. They had to have their victor." Cato said but I shook my head. "No they don't. Why should they?" I mumbled quietly, holding on to Cato as if my life depended on it. We broke apart and I found the nightlock in my pocket, raising them up, Cato shook his head. "No, Abs..." Cato tried pushing the berries down. "Trust me. Trust me." I said and he nodded, I poured some of the berries into Cato's outstretched hand. "Together?" I asked and he nodded. "Together." Cato said and we raised the berries to our lips. "Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen. May I present the winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games."

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