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Abigail Hawthorne

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Abigail Hawthorne

I fell down a grass verge, not wanting to show any weakness to the Capitol as that might defer sponsors, I got up and headed to the nearest tree which I climbed. I tied the rope from my backpack around my legs when I was secure on a branch, I opened the backpack and checked the supplies, hoping there was water which I desperately needed.

Zilch, no water. Just a flask, a sleeping bag, a few crackers and this rope. My back stiffened as I heard the sound of footsteps, my back stiffened into the tree and I even held my breath as though they could hear the sound of me breathing. "Hey loverboy." Clove said, I pursed my lips together. "You sure she went this way?" Clove asked and I gulped. "Yeah, I'm sure." It was Cato, my lip quivered. "You better be." Marvel said and that's when I seen Peeta. "Are you sure we shouldn't just kill him now?" Clove asked Marvel in a whisper. "Nah. He's our best chance at finding her. Let's go."

Once they were well out of ear shot, I jumped down from the tree and started to look for water, when a firebomb flew inches away from my face, I looked around and the whole arena was lit up in flames, I gasped and ran when another fireball flew out of nowhere and grazed the side of my thigh, I gritted my teeth in pain but continued to run, the fire was gaining on me but I had to try to live for Gale, Posy, Rory, Vick and my mother.

I found the lake, the fire had subsided and I didn't hesitate to run into it, the water burned my leg but soothed it at the same time. "Oh there she is. There she is." Glimmer cried, I swore under my breath and got out the lake as quick as I could, I ran and started to climb the tree. "What you got baby?" Clove asked as I'd climbed higher.  "Kill here Cato!" Clove shouted and I looked down at Cato, who'd started to climb the tree, but winked my way. "I'm coming for you!"

Cato grabbed a branch and plummeted to the ground, I peered below. "I'll do it myself." Glimmer said, grabbing a arrow, my arrows and loading it. "Get her!" Clove and Marvel shouted, she shot the arrow and it missed by miles. "Maybe you should throw the sword." I said, smirking down at Marvel. "Let's just wait her out. She gotta come down at some point, it's that or starve to death. Let's kill her then." Peeta said and my mouth parted in shock. Had he really become ally's with the Careers?

A low whistling came from above, a sponsor had sent me a gift, I shakily reached for it and opened the tin, it was some sort of medicine. Use generously - H, it was Haymitch, I put my fingers in the gel and shakily rubbed it on my thigh, I grit my teeth to stop myself from moaning in pain.

"Okay. Somebody make a fire." Cato said, the others fell asleep but Cato wasn't, he and I were currently in a staring competition when he pointed towards another tree, looking up I spotted the girl from 11, Rue. She was pointing at a nest above my head, weren't they tracker jackers?

'Thank you' I mouthed to Rue who smiled, I got the knife out of my backpack that Clove kindly threw at me before hacking at the nest, one stung me and I grimaced but continued sawing. The branch finally broke away and fell to the floor, luckily Cato got a two second head start as he'd already started running as the others woke up screaming, Glimmer's scream was the worst, then a cannon went off.

I fell from the tree, feeling the affects of the tracker jacker sting, it felt like what I assumed drunk people saw. "Abi, Abs... run! Get out of here! Run!" Cato shouted but I was dizzy, I couldn't make out where I was going. "Abs, please run." Cato whispered but that was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

"Rue?" I asked groggily, waking up. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said softly, sitting up. "How long have I been out?" I asked and she chuckled. "A couple of days." Rue said and I blushed, we got started on hunting catching a squirrel which we cooked on a fire that we put out immediately afterwards, Rue had finished both her pieces as I was on my last one. "You want mine too?" I asked, holding it out to her.

"No, that's okay." Rue said but I passed it to her. "Here." I said and Rue smiled at me. "Thanks." Rue said and I chuckled. "I changed your leaves twice." Rue said and I checked my sting, it had gone down enormously. "Thank you. So what happened? When I was out?" I asked and Rue looked over at me. "The girl from 1 and the boy from 10." Rue said and I bit my lip. "I got you these." Rue said, holding the bow and arrows. "Thank you."

"And Cato?" I asked, knowing Peeta was allies with the Careers. "No, he's okay. I think he's down by the river. Is it true?" Rue asked with a smirk. "Is what true?" I asked with a giggle. "You and him?" Rue said with a knowing look. I felt my cheeks heating up and she smirked at me. "So where are Marvel and the others?" I asked and she sighed. "They got all their supplies down by the lake. It's prod up in this great big pyramid." Rue said and I raised my eyebrows.

"That sounds tempting." I said and she nodded, we made three piles of wood and leaves to make fires. "Now this green stuff is gonna smoke like crazy, so as soon as you light it. Move on to the next fire. Light this one last. And I'll meet you back over there." I said and Rue nodded. "I'll destroy their stuff while they're chasing us." I said and Rue nodded again. "We need a signal, in case one of us gets held up." Rue said and I bit my lip. "Okay, like what?"

"Here, watch this." Rue said and sang a four note tune into the air, the birds mimicked the tune back to us. "Mockingjays. That's great." I said and she nodded. "Back home we use them signal all the time." Rue said and looked at me. "You try." She said and I nodded, whistling a tune which the birds repeated. "Okay so, if we hear that means we're okay and we'll be back real soon." Rue said and I nodded. "We're gonna be okay. Hey. I'll see you for supper."

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