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Abigail Hawthorne

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Abigail Hawthorne

We were waiting patiently for the scores of the private session, my leg was bouncing as I was nervous of getting a low score if I'd annoyed the game makers too much. "As you know the Tributes are rated on a scale of one to twelve after three days of careful evaluation. The game keepers would like to evaluate From District 1, Marvel. score of 9. Glimmer, score of 9." Ceaser said and I bit my nails. "Cato, score of 10."

I knew Cato would score high, he was very strong. "Clove, score of 10. Rue, score of 7." I smiled, Rue got a high score considering she was so young, I wonder what she done for them. "From District 12, Peeta Mellark, score of.. 8." Ceaser said and everyone gasped and applauded him. "And finally, Abigail Hawthorne," my breath hitched in my throat as I stared at the screen. "With a score of... 11."

"Oh Abigail!" Effie chimed and I rolled my eyes, she'd changed her tune. "Congratulations." Cinna said and I let out a sigh of relief. "I thought they hated me." I said and Cinna shook his head. "They must have liked your guts." Haymitch said and they all raised a glass. "To Abigail Hawthorne, The Girl on Fire!"

I went to sit on the rooftop, for the second to last time, just to smell freedom. "An 11?" I turned around to find Cato, leaning against the door. "You must've impressed them." Cato said and I rolled my eyes. "I shot an arrow at them." I said and he snorted. "We want you as an ally." Cato said, sitting beside me. "And how do I know you won't just kill me at the bloodbath?" I asked and he sighed.

"Here." Cato said, passing me a pendant, I opened it and it was a picture of him and I either side. "That's how you know." Cato whispered and I looked up to meet his icy blue orbs. "I came into the games wanting to be a victor, but now - I want to get you home." Cato whispered and I looked up. Our lips collided in a passionate kiss, his hands found my waist and brought me onto his lap with ease, I cupped his head with my hands as his roamed my back, we pulled away, breathing heavily. "Stay with me?"

He nodded as we headed to bed, making sure Effie, Haymitch or Peeta weren't around as we didn't know if it was allowed. His hand wrapped around my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest, he drew soothing circles on my back. "I really like you, Abs." Cato said and I looked up at him. "I really like you, too."

"I just hope I can save you - like I couldn't save my mother." Cato whispered and I pressed my lips to his, stroking his cheek with my thumb. "Don't think about that right now," I whispered and Cato nodded, kissing my forehead. I resumed my position with laying on his chest, his steady heartbeat calming me. "Are you scared?" Cato asked and I shrugged. "To be honest, I'm just scared of not returning home for my family, I don't know how Gale would cope, we didn't speak for months after we lost our father." I whispered and Cato stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry Abs, I didn't know." Cato whispered and I sat up. "He died in a mine explosion back in twelve." I whispered and Cato cupped my waist, pulling me closer. "Gale and I took over as head of house, but we were at logger heads the first few months. We blamed each other." I said, wiping a tear that escaped my eye. "You'll see him again, I'll make sure of it." Cato whispered and I looked at him.

Our lips met, it was slow and made my body tingle in ways it hadn't before, his hands roamed my body as I ran mine up his shirt along his abs. "Don't." Cato grunted and I looked up at him. "What?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my face. "You'll see." Cato whispered before climbing on top of me, he wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed my neck making me arch my back and moan in pleasure. My fingers found his hair and tugged slightly, his lips soon found mine. "C-Cato..." I breathed pulling away. "I- I don't want to do it, yet. I'd hate for us to become so close that we couldn't live without the other, it wouldn't be fair."

"I know, baby, I know." Cato whispered, I don't really understand how this happened between Cato and I, I didn't want us to start anything that we couldn't finish - one of us would end up heartbroken or we'd both be dead. We resumed our position of cuddling and him stroking my hair, until my eyes become drowsy and I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, Cato had gone, it was our televised interviews before the 'big day' as Effie called it. "Nervous?" Cinna asked and I bit my lip. "Kind of, I'm not very good at getting people to like me." I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Just be yourself." Cinna said and I smiled at him thankfully, I was dressed in a long, red, bodycon dress that flickered like fire at the bottom. "Let's see if she does indeed shine. Let's have a warm round of applause for Glimmer." Ceaser said as Glimmer skipped onto the stage. "Glimmer, are you prepared?"

"Yes Ceaser, I am very prepared." Glimmer said with a smirk, batting her eyelashes. "I like it, that's insurance, self-insurance. Big round of applause. Marvel! Welcome Clove. Cato!" Ceaser said, speaking to the tributes one by one, i but my lip as Cato walked onto the stage, he looked handsome in a suit. "So Cato... is there a special girl back home, strapping young man like you?" Ceaser asked making the crowd grow wild. " No Ceaser," Cato said and I felt my heart sink. "She came here with me."

"Clove?" Ceaser asked and I grimaced, Cato shook his head. "No...actually. It's Abigail Hawthorne." Cato said, I felt heat rising to my cheeks. Cinna and Peeta were looking at me, their lips parted open in shock. "What?" Peeta asked and I put my head down. "So, starcrossed lovers from district two and twelve?" Ceaser asked and Cato smiled slightly. "Yeah, guess you could say that."

Ceaser bid him goodbye, Peeta had pinned Cato against the wall. "Star crossed lovers yeah?" Peeta asked, I was trying to pry his hands off Cato. "You're a Career, Hadley. You don't give a toss about Abi, you've just made her look weak." Peeta said and Cato pushed him off. "Oh yeah, twelve, and what do you know about that?" Cato hissed, his eyes dark. "He's made her look desirable, Peeta, not weak." Haymitch said, looking between Cato and I. "So, start crossed lovers, huh?"

"From District 12...You know her as the girl on fire! Cato's lover! Where we know her as the lovely Abigail Hawthorne!" Ceaser said and I walked on to the stage. "What?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. "I think someone's a little nervous. I said that was quite and entrance that you've made at the Tribute's parade the other day. Do you want to tell us about it?" Ceaser asked and I blushed. "Well, I was just hoping that I wouldn't burned to death." I said with a nervous giggle. "When you came out of that chariot, I have to say my heart...stopped. Did any of you experience this as well?" Ceaser asked causing the crowd to cheer.

"Now tell me bout the flames. Were they real?" Ceaser asked and I nodded. "Yes. In fact I'm wearing them today. Would you like to see?" I asked Ceaser, giving him a smile. "Wait, wait, wait. Is it safe?" Ceaser asked and I nodded. "What do you think folks? I think that's a yes!" Ceaser said, I stood up and looked at Cinna who nodded, I spun around and my dress alighted in flames. "That was really something. That was something. Thank you for that. I have one more question for you. It's about Cato."

I gulped and nodded. "What made you call for him?" Ceaser asked and I smiled to the audience. "You know Cato, he has his ways." I said and Ceaser nodded, smiling like a maniac. "He certainly does, doesn't he folks?!" Ceaser shouted and the crowd went wild, I felt my cheeks heating up. "I'm sorry you two haven't got a long life ahead. But, best of luck," Ceaser grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Abigail Hawthorne. The Girl on Fire!"

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