Chapter 1

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Ever since Krauser and Leon came back from their mission, Belle was healing Krauser's wound on his arm.

"It must have been a tough mission." Belle said.
"A little. Leon did most of the work." Krauser said.

"Obviously." Belle smirked. She then wrapped Krauser's wound and stood up.

"I tried my best to mend it. Rest that arm, okay."
Krauser chuckled. "Thanks."
Now at Belle's apartment, Leon explained the whole mission to her. He even mentioned Manuela.

"How sad." Belle said.
"Yeah." Leon said as he took a sip of his alcohol bottle.

"Leon, don't drink too much okay." She said.
"How can I? We've been through tough times in Raccoon City. It was a nightmare." Leon said.

Belle sighed and sat down next to him.
"Yes I know. I don't blame you there. But I'm just worried about you."

"I'm more worried about you." He said as he stood up from the couch.

"You don't have to worry, Leon. I'm here with you am I?" Belle said. Leon then walked towards Belle and leaned for a small kiss.

"I'll always worry about you, no matter how much you say not to worry."
Leon and Belle heard the devastating news. Jack Krauser was dead, they said he was in a car accident.

"He was a good soldier, Mr. President. He protected you."

The president sighed and walked back in his office.

"He may rest in peace."
6 years later
Belle was minding her own business until her phone ranged.


"Hello, Ms Clearfield? The president requested you at his office."

"Did something happen?" She asked, shockingly.
"Yes. It'll be discussed at his office. Mr. Kennedy is there as well."

"Yes. I'll be there in 5." Belle said and hung up.

Now what's going on? She thought.

Belle got all dressed up and walked out of her apartment. Now she's heading to the office and her eyes mets Leon's gorgeous blue eyes. But her mind is stick to on what's going on.

"You have summoned me, Mr. President?" Belle asked.

The president was looking out of the his office window and sighed. He then turned to Leon and Belle.

"I request the both of you here because..." he trailed off.

Leon and Belle waited for his reply. The president pulled out a picture of a young girl.

"This is my daughter. She was kidnapped the other day at college."

Belle took the picture and looked at it.
"That's why I summoned you here. Find my daughter, please." He said.

"Are there any whereabouts?" Leon asked.
"Mostly likely." The president pulled out a map of some kind. And the map looks old.

"A island?" Belle asked.

"This is all I have on her whereabouts. Sorry, I couldn't give you much."

"Not a problem, Mr. President. I'm sure we'll find her." Leon said.

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