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After sending Ashley home, mission was completed. Belle went straight to her apartment and went for a shower. The mission really tired her out.

But she couldn't get one thing out of her mind...High Goddess Bai Qian and her powers.

During the mission, she felt vulnerable and weak to help Leon and she felt so guilty. She got out of the shower and got dressed up.

She then sat on the couch and spaced out for a bit.

Why do I have this power? Why did High Goddess Bai Qian pass this power to me? Protection maybe?

A knock of was heard and it was Leon.
"What are you doing here? It's late." Belle said.
"I couldn't sleep. So I thought I come and see what you're doing." He said.

She let Leon in and made some tea for him. Even though he don't drink tea.

"Drink this. I don't care if you don't like tea, but it helps you to go to sleep." Belle said.

Leon chuckled. "Thanks."

Belle went back to sit on the couch and Leon followed.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.
"It's nothing. Really." She replied.

"Is it about your powers?" Leon asked again.
Belle didn't respond.

"Ada mentioned it to me when we were separated in the mission." He said.

"Same here. I just want to know why. Why me?" Belle said.

"Maybe she chose you to have this power." Leon said.

Belle sighed and rubbed her temples.
"Come on, we had enough for one night. Let's get to bed." Leon said.

"Okay. I'll walk you out." Belle said.
"I'm sleeping here tonight." Leon said.

Belle blushed and stood up quickly.
"What? Y-you...me—in a same bed."

Leon stood up and smirked. He then walked up to Belle, closing the gap between them and then carried her to bed.

"Leon! Put me down!"
"Not a chance, darling."

When Leon put Belle to down and he's on top of her. They stared into each others eyes. Leon leaned in for a kiss that he's been longing for. It was a passionate kiss.

Belle felt safe, her hand slithered to feel his strong biceps and then wrapped around his neck. Leon pulled back and looked at her again.

"You look so beautiful." He said.

Belle blushed and looked away. She knew where this is going.

"L-Leon...I'm not ready. I'm sorry." She said.

Leon didn't respond but then kissed her on the forehead.

"I understand. Just let me know when you're ready."
The next morning, Belle woke up early. She see Leon was sleeping soundly next to her. She carefully moved his arms that around her waist and got up from the bed.

After getting dressed up, she went straight up to Hunnigan's office

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After getting dressed up, she went straight up to Hunnigan's office.

"Oh, Belle. Is something the matter?" She asked.
"Um... can we talk?" Belle asked.
"You want me to do what?!" Hunnigan exclaimed.

"Report me as MIA." Belle said.
"But why?"

"Because. I just need to find myself who I really am. During the mission, I found out about my past. The enemy keeps on mentioning I'm the descendant of High Goddess Bai Qian. I just need to answers, Hunnigan. Please help me out." Belle said.

"High Goddess Bai Qian? I've heard of her. It once said that she has an amazing healing powers that can help on any virus, surely it's not that...is it?" Hunnigan asked.

Belle gave her a look. A look that she's right.
"You have the healing powers?"

Belle nodded. "I don't want to the government to know because they might want my blood. So please keep this as a secret."

Hunnigan nodded. "But what about Leon? How are you going to tell him?"

"I got that covered." She replied.
Hunnigan gave her the same device that she been using for the missions.

"I haven't shut it down yet, but keep in touch." She said.

"I will." Belle gladly took it. "And, what ever happens, I don't tell Leon where I'm going."
Leon was looking for Belle outside but he couldn't find her anywhere. 

Until he got a text...from her.

Leon, I don't know how am I going to say this. But if you receive this text, it means I'm already gone.

Leon's eyes widen up and quickly ran to find her again. Going to their usual spots and where they go in dates.

Don't worry about me. I just need some time. I need to figure out who I really am. I felt really vulnerable and weak. I don't want to see you get hurt. Or anybody.

"Hunnigan, can you locate Belle's location for me?" Leon asked.

Hunnigan bit her lip from saying anything. But she has to.


"Sorry, Leon. She turned off her location. I can't locate her." She said.


Belle was at a place where nobody can find her. The only place she knows. There was a waterfall in a secret passageway to her parents house, that's already abandoned. She created a forced field so no one can come in.

I'm truly am sorry, Leon. From the first time we met, I knew you were going to be there to help me. I don't know what I'll do without you.

Belle entered the waterfall and everything she see was all crystals. She then saw a crystal chair and slowly walked up to it. She sat on the chair and crossed her legs.

No matter what happens, Leon

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No matter what happens, Leon. I love you. And...I'm so sorry.
Hey everyone! I hope this story is good as my other ones. I really tried my best to make to good. Please give the first book some love also give some love to this story too. I hope I can publish the next series after this one. Love you all! Thanks for your support!

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