Chapter 4

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After all that walking, Belle tripped on her own two feet, it's a good thing Leon was there to catch her.

"Whoa, careful there. Didn't know you were this clumsy. You sure you're feeling alright?" Leon asked her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just exhausted." Belled replied.
"Here, get on my back." Leon suggested.
"No, Leon. Not this time. I can make it." She said.

Leon nodded and held her hand tight.
"Stay close to me alright."

"You don't have to tell me twice."
Leon and Belle approached into another building, kind of looks like a mansion to be honest. They heard voices but they couldn't understand what they were talking about. A huge hand grabbed Leon's neck and while Belle was kicked out of the way.

Leon was struggling from the grip but then the Big Cheese Guy let him go.

"You carry the same blood as us it seems. Nevertheless, you're an outsider. Just remember, if you become a nuisance to our eyes. Your face severe consequences."

Big cheese then went to up to Belle and she was grabbed by her arm.

"My lord would be pleased to have you by his side, mil lady. But right now, it's not the time." She then was let go from the grip and the big cheese left. Belle went to Leon, seeing him on the ground, she began to worry.

"Leon, are you alright?" She asked.
Leon groaned as he got up.

"What? Same blood?"

"Same blood? What you mean?"

Leon shook his head to his mind cleared up.
"It's nothing."

A radio static was heard again.
"Leon, Belle. I've been able to get some new info that might help you both." Hunnigan said.

"Fill us in." Leon said.
"Apparently, there's a religious cult group involved. They're called the Los lluminados." Hunnigan stated.

"Los Illuminados? That's a mouthful." Belle said.
"Anyway, we had an unexpected run-in with the big cheese of this village." Leon said.

"But your both okay, right?" Hunnigan asked.
"Yeah...but he could have killed us but he let us live...and he mentioned something about me carrying the same blood as them. Whatever that means." Leon explained.

"He also said mentioned me about being on someone's side, Hunnigan. Does this cult have to involve with me?" Belle asked.

"Carry the same blood? And being by someone's side with the cult? Hmm...interesting." Hunnigan thought.

"Anyway, there are more important thing than solving riddles right now." Leon said.
"You're right. Hurry and find that church." Hunnigan said.

The call ended.



Belle hesitated to ask but when her eyes met his eyes. It kind of changed colors. From blue to red then back to blue.

"Is something wrong?" Leon asked.

"Oh, um it's nothing, let's keep moving." She replied.


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