Chapter 9

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Ada told Belle about everything on why she has these powers. But that doesn't give Belle the answer she wanted.

"Well, if High Goddess Bai Qian gave me her powers, How come you don't have any?" Belle asked Ada.

"Maybe, she has other plans for me." Ada replied.
"By working with Wesker." Belle said.

"That...was my decision. You'll know the truth later on." Ada said.

Belle shook her head and she shrugged it off.
"We're going on our separate ways from here. See you around." Ada said.

"Huh? Ada-" Ada used her grapple gun and left.

Belle sighed. "Geez, leave me here with out any explanations."
Belle opens the door, leading her to a unknown storage area. She then heard voices.

"Been a long time, comrade." A familiar voice said.

"Krauser!" Leon said.

Krauser? Belle thought.

"I died in a crash 2 years ago? Is that what they told you?" Krauser asked.

"You're the one who kidnapped Ashley. But failed to kidnap Belle." Leon said.

"You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, you and I both know where we come from." Krauser said, twirling his knife. Then he attacked Leon, making him taking out his knife.

"What do you want?" Leon asked. But Krauser didn't respond but continued to attack, but Belle couldn't take it anymore. So also took out her knife, that's strapped on her thigh. She came in front of Leon and blocked Krauser's attack.

"Belle?" Leon was surprised she's there.

Krauser smirked. "Finally, the goddess herself has appeared."

She looked at Leon and then back at Krauser. She wanted to know how he turned out like this. Maybe because Saddler? or someone?

"What do you really want, Krauser?" Belle asked.

"The sample Saddler developed, that's all." Krauser replied, about to attack Belle, Leon quickly pushed Belle behind him and blocked the attack.

"Leave the girls out of this!" he said.

"Oh, I needed them to buy Saddler's trust in me. Like you, I'm American." Krauser said.

"You got them involved just for that?!" Leon shouted.

They attacked again and Belle has to come in between them. Belle fought with Krauser and injured Krauser. He then kicked her, which she blocked but it made her backed away. Leon came from behind, but Krauser was quick, he kicked him in the chest, making Leon fall to the ground.

"All for Umbrella's sake." Krauser said.

"Umbrella?" Leon uttered.

"Almost let it slip. Enough talk. Die, comrade!" Krauser jumped at him, aiming his knife at Leon's throat. Leon held on to his strength, Belle took out her gun and was about to pull the trigger but someone else already did.

"Ada!" Leon called out.

"Well, if it isn't the bitch in the red dress." Krauser said.

"It looks like we have the upper hand here." she said.

Krauser just chuckled and jumped up to a rail that's above him.

"You may be able to prolong your life, but's not like you can escape your invitable death, is it?" He then left as Ada came down.

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