Chapter 7

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Getting out of the safe spot. It started to rain. Leon took the lead while Belle was with Ashley.

"I can't wait to get out of here." Ashley mumbled.
"Same." Belle said.

Fighting the same villagers and even the villagers with weird faces zombie like. They arrived to an gate that won't open. It's locked from the other side.

Leon looked at Belle and tilt his head. She nodded and walked back. Leon got ready for her and Belle ran up to Leon and as soon as her foot was on his hands, Leon lifted her up.

Hearing the gate getting unlocked, Belle opened the gate. Now there crossing a bridge and they were almost to the nearest cabin until a radio static was heard.

"Leon, Belle. I have some bad news." Hunnigan said.
"I'd rather not hear it." Leon said.
"What's the bad news, Hunnigan?" Belle asked.

"We've lost contact with the chopper. Someone must have shot it down. Though we can't determine who." Hunnigan replied.

"Great." Leon and Belle said at the same time.
"We're prepping another chopper for you. Meanwhile, I want you both to head towards the extraction point." She said.

"Got it."

Leon ended the call there.
"Let's continue the bridge. Hopefully we'll find the extraction point." He said.

Belle nodded and followed.

As they crossed the bridge, they met more villagers. More likely there surrounded.

"What are we going to do, Leon?" Ashley asked.
"I hate to say it, but we're sandwiched all right." He replied.

"Quick! In that cabin!" Belle said. The three ran up to the cabin and Leon opened the door.

"Leon!" A wooden plank was thrown to him and he caught it.

"Small world, eh? Well, I see that the President's equipped his daughter...with ballistics too."

Leon put the wooden plank on the door to lock it. Belle looked at the man, seems like he wouldn't harm anyone.

"How rude! And I don't believe there's any relevance with my figure and my standing. Who're you?" Ashley said, with an attitude.

"Ho Ho, excuse me your highness. Perhaps the young lady might want to introduce herself before asking someone his name?"

"Her name's Ashley Gram, the President's daughter." She said.

"Is she...well, you know." The man turned to Leon.

"Don't worry, she's cool." Leon said. Ashley looked away, blushing.

"Eh, nevermind. And anyway, who is this beautiful young lady you got here, Leon?"

Belle blinked for a bit and put away her gun.

"Belle Clearfield. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

"'re the one Leon was talking about, si? My, my, Leon. You're a lucky man." He said.

Belle looked at Leon for answers. But he looked away blushing. That's a first.

"Name's Luis. And back to where I was saying...there's supposed to be some obvious symptoms before you turn into one of them anyway." He said.

"You mean--" Belle was cut off by Ashley, pointing at the window. "Look!"

Belle turned around and saw villagers heading towards the cabin.

"Ashley upstairs!" Belle said. Ashley didn't hesitate to go upstairs and take cover.

Luis and Leon pulled out their guns and got ready. Belle reloaded hers and got ready as well.

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