Chapter 6

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Leon lead them out of the room and they noticed there was no ladder. They had no choice but to jump down. Leon jumped down first and prepared to catch Ashley. She jumped down and Leon had to carry her for a second. Ashley started to have those dreamy eyes. Leon rolled his eyes, hopefully she didn't see. But Belle did see it.

Belle sighed.

Leon put Ashley down and turned around. "Your turn, Belle."

Before Leon could saying anything, Belle was already next to me.

"Too slow, Leon." she said.

Leon chuckled and they moved on. Leon opened the door, leading them in the middle of the church about to leave until they heard a voice.

"I'll take both of the girls."

"Who are you?" Leon asked with determination.

"If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler. The master of this fine...religious community." he said.

"What do you want?" Belle asked.

"To demonstrate to the whole world our astounding power, of course. No longer will United States think they police the world forever...So we kidnapped the president's daughter, and tried to kidnap Belle as well."

Belle glared at him with hatred. Leon looked at Belle and then back at Saddler, he quietly held Belle's hand tighter, not letting her go.

"We did this so we could give them a special power, and then send them back." Saddler said, smirking.

"No." Ashley then has a flashback of something. Belle and Leon turned to her.

"Guys, I think they shot something in my neck." Ashley grabs the side of her where she has been shot.

They did the same thing to Leon. Belle thought.

"What did you do to her?" Leon asked with digust.

"We just planted her a little gift, although we failed to kidnap Belle, but since she's here now....she'll be by my side as Queen." Saddle said.


"OHHHH, there's going to be one hell of a party when Ashley returns to her loving father, but before that, I thought I might bargain with the President for some...donation. Believe it or not, it takes quite a lot of money to keep this church up and running." He starts to turn to his religious symbol.

"Faith and money will lead you nowhere, Saddler." Leon said.

"Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you the same gift." Saddler said, pointing at Leon.

"When I was unconscious." Leon mumbled. Belle bit her lips, it hurts her to see Leon finding out why he's been off.

"Oh, I truly hope you like our small, but special contribution. When the eggs hatch, you will become my puppets. Involuntarily, you'll do as I say. I'll have total control over you. Surely, my queen realized her lover is infected." Saddler said.

Leon looked at her, shocked.

"No wonder I couldn't heal him. You knew my powers wouldn't work so you make your so called gift stronger?!" Belle exclaimed.

Saddler chuckled evilly.

"Don't you think this is revolutionary way to propagate one's faith?"

"Sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me!" Leon said. Two of his guards with crossbows come through the front door. Leon turns around to notice them.

Belle took Ashley's hand and jumped out of the window, Leon followed as well.

They all fall to the ground until Leon gets up and help the two girls.

"Leon...Belle, what's going to happen to us?" Ashley asked.

"Don't worry, we can get in this mess and we can get out of it." As they were escaping, Leon and Belle had a little chat.

"So you knew and you didn't tell me?" Leon asked.

"I...I couldn't Leon. I'm sorry." she said.

"You didn't want me to worry? I'm just glad you're not experiencing it." Leon said.

"How can you say that? You're infected and....Leon, I'm worried. What if I lose you?"

Leon stopped running but he didn't turn to look at her.

Instead, they all entered a safer cabin. They're safe for now.

Since they were in a safer place, things have been quiet between Leon and Belle.

"Belle, you said you have healing powers, right?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, but I just don't know how to explain it. These powers of mine, all I know is that I can do partial." she replied.

"Partial?" Leon suddenly asked.

"Meaning, if I started to heal you both. You're still infected." Belle replied.

"Let's give it a try." Ashley suggested.

Belle thought about it but then....what if it doesn't work. So she decided to give it a go.

Ashley and Belle sat down together and Ashley's back was in front of her. Belle's hand was on her back. She then closed her eyes and concentrated. A glowing green power appeared in Belle's palm, as Leon watches, he became shocked.

"Belle, can I ask you a question?" Ashley asked.

"Shoot." she replied.

"Are you...and Leon a couple?" Ashley asked.

Belle slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Leon, who is standing at the wall with his hands folded and his eyes were closed.

" can say that." Belle replied.
Ashley just smiles. "Done. Feel any better?"

Ashley nodded. "I feel normal but I do feel your power is working a little."

"That's good. Leon, it's your turn." Belle said.
Ashley and Leon switched places. Belle did the same as she did with Ashley.

Again, it was quiet between Leon and Belle. Leon couldn't take the quietness.

"You're not going to lose me." He said.

"I just answered your question earlier. Just remember, I'll always be by your side." Leon said.

Belle just continued healing.

"I know why you didn't tell me. I understand I would be doing the same if you're infected." Leon added.

"I wanted to protect you, Leon." Belle said as she stopped healing.

"And I couldn't afford for losing you to Saddler." Leon said.

Belle gently smiled and Leon got up. He held out his hand and Belle gladly took it.

"I promise you, when this is over, I'll make sure you'll be safe." Leon said.

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