Chapter 2

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Leon and Belle were on their way to the destination and luckily, two Spanish drivers drove them there. Their location is in Spain, which is new for Belle.

Belle was minding her own business, by looking at the window, watching the scenery go by.

"Yo, who are you guys really? Come on tell us." One of the driver said.

"You two are a long way from home. You have my sympathies."

The driver looked at his rear view mirror and looked at Belle.

"How can a beautiful lady like yourself be in this ugly situation. If you change your mind, I'm available." he said, smirking. Leon got upset and was about the lung at him, Belle stopped him, by shaking her head.

"Like the offer, mi'lady?"

Belle smirked and pulled away from Leon. She pulled out her gun and reload it.

The driver and his passenger gulped in fear.

"Didn't you say it's gonna be a long trip? If so, get comfortable." she said, admiring her gun. She also looked at the rear view mirror and smirked. "If I were you, I would stay focus on the road."

"Anyway, you know what this is all about. Our assignment is to search for the president's missing daughter." Leon said.

"Only the two of you?" the driver asked.

Leon was not amused at all. "I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing Kumbayah together at some scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did."

Belle was amused about Leon being sarcastic. She couldn't help but smirk.

"Oh, you crazy Americans. It's an direct order from the chief himself. I tell you, it's no big thing." the driver said, as he got irritated by them.

"We're counting on you guys." Leon responded. He then turned to Belle, waiting for her to respond.

"No comment, Leon. You said it all." she said.

~Hours Later~

The car made it to a stop, Belle got out of the car and looked at what's up ahead.

"Just up ahead is the village." the driver said.

"We will go and have a look around." Leon said.

"And we'll stay and watch the car, don't want to get any parking tickets."

"Right, parking tickets." Belle said, with a annoyed look and stood by Leon.

"You ready?" he asked.

Belle nodded. "Let's get this over with."
Belle was following Leon behind, she stared at his back as he walked.

After the incident in Raccoon City, Leon has changed a lot. Leon turned around and noticed her stare. He smirked and flicked her forehead.

"Ow." Belle rubbed her forehead as she pouts.
"I know I'm handsome, princess. Might as well take a picture."

Belle rolled her eyes. Leon's jokes never gets old.
"Something in your mind?" He asked.
"Hm? Not really." Belle stared at the path, heading towards the village.

"It's just...too quiet." They both heard a radio static, which made Leon pulled out his G.R.V.T walkie talkie.

"Leon, Belle. I hope you can hear me? I'm Ingrid Hunnigan. I'll be your support on this mission." she said.

"Loud and clear." Belle said.

"Somehow I thought you'd be a little older." Leon said. Which made Belle punched his arm.

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