Chapter 8

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"Better with the ladies huh?" Belle asked.
"Well, I am, aren't I?" Leon asked, smirking.

Belle sighed and walked ahead.
"Wait, Belle...hold on. Am I?"

"Focus on the mission, Leon. Or I might change my mind about our plans." She said.
As they entered the castle, they found themselves in the main hall.

Hearing the most annoying laugh, Belle put her guard up.

"I was starting to wonder when you might notice us." The small man said.

"Who are you?" Leon asked.
"Me llamo Ramon Salazar the 8th Castellan of the magnificent architecture. I have been honored with the protigius power from the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you my bethrens." He said.

"No thanks bro." Leon replied in disgust.

"My, my, we've got a feisty one.if you care for your well being, I suggest you surrender yourself and simply...become our hostage. Or Mr. Scott, you can give us the girls, since you're not worth a penny I'm afraid. You can die." He said.

Leon held Belle's hand tight as he watched Ramon walked away.

"I'm never turning into one of them, never!" Ashely said.
"Got that right. We'll find a cure." Leon said.

"Guys....I- I feel worthless. My powers...I think I need answers." Belle said.

"Belle, don't say that." Ashley said.
"I'm sure you'll find answers here. You're not alone, Belle." Leon said.

Belle sighed and nodded.
~Time skipped~
Walking down the hall, Ashley started to cough up blood.

"Are you alright-"
"I'm fine! Leave me alone!" Ashley pushed Belle away.

"Ashley wait!" Somehow it was a trap. Wall after wall came from the ground making Ashley back up. And then metal barricades snatched her up and the walls turns.


When this is all happening, Belle's caught in a chain.


It made Belle slip and the floor around her started to go down like an elevator. Belle jumped and now she was holding on the ledge and the chain was giving her pain on her ankle.

Leon quickly grabbed her arm and used her strength to hold her.

"Leon! You can't-"
"I can hold you, I just need to-"

The chain started to pull on her ankle, making her wimp.

"Leon...look at me..."

They stared at each others eyes for a brief moment.

"Don't worry. We'll see each other again soon. Find Ashley."

Belle started to lose her grip and she fell into the dark.

"Hunnigan, what happened?! The transmission got cut off." Leon said

Until a familiar laugh was heard.
"Salazar! How'd you--"

"We've jacked the line. We didn't want you telling everyone any unnecessary information." Salazar said.

"Where's Ashley and Belle?!" Leon exclaimed.
"Aww, so she fell into one of our wonderful traps. We'll make sure we find her. Don't worry about her. And as for Belle...*annoying laugh* we're prepping her for our Lord Saddler. She might be...a little different. Oh, yes, I let our miserable insects out for some exercise down in the sewer." Salazar said.

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