Chapter 10

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Leading to another village and seeing new villagers, they were well prepared. Leon and Belle hid, and heard a helicopter in the sky.

"Hey, it's about time." Leon said.

"Sorry, bad taffic. I'll cover you both."

"Thanks." Belle said.

Mikey flew over the tank and tip it over. He then fired all the villagers and adding a bomb at the end.

"Now that's what I called an back up." Leon said.

"The name's Mike. You looking for firepower you've come to the right place." Mike said.


Leon and Belle ran through the village and tried their best to shoot every villager that's in their way. And after all the hard work, they're suddenly surrounded.

"Take cover!" they heard Mike. Leon grabbed Belle's shoulder and took cover and watch the villagers got shoot. Slowly, one by one, they're all dead.

"Thanks. When we get out of here, drinks are on me." Leon said.

"Yeah, Hey, I know a good bar!" Mike said.

"Let me guess. My bar." Belle said.

Mike chuckled. "Yes, Belle. Your bar!"

Leon looked at Belle, hoping for some discounts.

Belle rolled her eyes. "Fine! It's on the house."

Then someone shot a missile at the helicopter. Leon covered Belle and was shocked.

"MIKE!" Leon called.

The helicopter slowly fell and it exploded. Belle followed Leon's glance, seeing Saddler and his "assistant" leave the scene.

"I'll make sure you're the next to go, Saddler." Leon said.


"I'm sorry, Leon." Saddler said.

"Saddler, you bastard!" Leon shouted.

"It's nothing to get all upset about. Don't tell me you've never swatted a bothersome fly. In essence, it's the same thing." Saddler said.

It made Belle angrier. "What did you say?!"

"Insect's life doesn't compare to human lives." Leon sneered.

"When you've acquired this power, you too will understand." Saddler said.

"Guess it's another good reason to get the parasite out of my body." Leon said.

It made Belle worried about Leon. What if he did turned into one of them.

I hope we're not too late. Belle thought.

"I wish you luck. Hopefully, you'll bring my Queen along with you and returned to me." Saddler said. He ended the call.

"He wishes." Belle sneered.

Leon looked at Belle, concerned.

"Once we deal with Saddler and find Ashley, we're going home." he said.

Belle went silent. Ever since she find out about her healing powers and her ancestry. She feels weak to help Leon out.

"Belle?" He called.

Belle shook the thoughts out of her mind. "Let's go."


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