Chapter 5

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They finally got to the shore, Leon parked next to the dock. Belle got out first, then Leon. He weakly walked to a cabin, which made Belle concerned.

"Leon, what's wrong?" she asked and saw blood on his palm of his hand. He then groaned and Belle helped him and opened the door to the cabin.

"ARGH!" Leon has fallen consciousness. Belle went to his side and held him. She also noticed there's blood on his palm.

"Leon! Leon! Wake up! What's going on?!" she exclaimed. She hovered her hand over his forehead and a glowing green appeared under her hand (if you're an Naurto fan, you'll know)(Almost forgot Belle got healing powers, but mainly her powers are not there yet)

As soon as she examined Leon's condition or at least tried to heal him. Her eyes widen in shock...

No, it can't be.


Moments later, Leon was still in Belle's arm. He nearly jumped, but he slowly opened his eyes. Belle noticed him waking up and was relieved.

"Leon, oh thank god you're awake." she said.

"Am I in heaven? Cause I see an angel right in front of me." Leon said.

"Look at you. Still joking around." Belle said and helped Leon up.

"How long did I fell asleep?" Leon asked.

"You went unconscious. I was getting worried." Belle replied, as Leon stretched his arms. They both hear a radio static.

"Leon, Belle. It has been 6 hours since our last transmission. I was starting to get worried." Hunnigan said.

"Don't you mean lonely?" Leon said.

Belle sighed. "Anyways, Leon started to get dizzy and he collapsed."

"What about you, Belle?" Hunnigan asked.

"I feel fine. I did use my powers and found..." Belle trailed off.

"Hmm, maybe that has some connection to what the village cheif was talking about?" Hunnigan said.

"Can't say. But Leon's alright now. We are going to continue our mission." Belle said.

After she ended the call, Leon looked at her confused.

"What did you find, Belle?" he asked.

Belle didn't respond. Should she tell him?

"It's nothing important. When you went unconscious, I find nothing, I just couldn't heal you...that's all. I feel worthless."

Leon pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

"Don't say that again. I don't want to hear it. The Belle I know, never gives up trying." he said.

Belle didn't say a word, but felt more determined, because of Leon's confidence.

"Thanks Leon."


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