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Apparently we need to eat so Reggie and Tyrone got to McDonalds down the street and around the corner from where we're at, and leave all alone once again. I kind of felt bad for telling Tyrone. I guess I really was caught up in the moment. Everything goes wrong when you're doing improvisation and dealing with life. Actually, just about everything goes bad when you're in a life or death situation.

Myra and I attempted to get out of the thing that we were in. They had a key. These mother fluffers. I don't care anymore. I am getting out of here. I am so tired of being locked up and shut down every day. I can't handle it. I need conversation with other friends. Okay. Maybe I can communicate with people through my dreams. That would be nice. I can try. Since Terriah has been in this situation before, I should try her first.

I lay down and thought and thought.

"What are you doing," Myra asks me like I'm stupid. In a way, I guess she was right for asking me like that because what I was doing was kind of out there.

"I am trying to communicate with Terriah through my dreams. I'm trying to ask her for help. Can you help me?"

Myra looked at me angrily. "Why would I ask Terriah for help? I CAN'T STAND HER! Why can't we send her like a vision or something?"

"Have you been watching 'That's So Raven'?"

Myra looked shaming at the ground "Yes."

It sounds absolutely crazy, but, hey, we're crazy people so, why not? We sat and we tried. I finally got through to Terriah by my dreams. It was weird. She denied everything that I asked her. I asked her about Tyrone, about the cannibalism attempt, about the place that I was in. It was almost as if something happened to her brain to make her forget everything. Either that or Tyrone or Reggie lied. Who knows? I'm going to confront them when they get back. I don't care how awkward it is. At that moment I realized that Myra was in a different place with Reggie that I had no idea about. You know what? If this was a ShuhNaeNae normal day, I wouldn't ask, but, we came this far. What's a little information going to hurt anyone under the moon?

"So, what part of the hood did you go to at?"

Myra looked at me nervously. "The apartment complexes."

I looked at her surprised. WHY DOEZ SHE GET THE HIGHER CLASS SUITE?! But, instead of saying that I said: "Oh. What happened?"

"Nothing. We just talked. I swear. Nothing more. Nothing less." I tried to read her eyes a little more clearly. But I was almost certain that she was telling the truth. But sometimes you don't know with Myra. I just went along with it.


At that time there was a few seconds of silence. Complete, utter, scary silence. It was so silent, that when Myra started to talk again, I nearly jumped.

"So. What did you and that thing talk about?"

She gets on my nerves when she calls him a thing. Now I think she call him "Thing" just for the pleasure of my defiance. Oh well. I think I maybe more laid back about it. Actually, I find it one of those giggly things that I never mean but I say anyway. Me and my ADHD/ADD.

"Nothing. You know. I just poured my heart out to him. He apparently used to go out with Terriah and was in a situation like this with Reggie. Ever since then they apparently have been saving everyone. And something happened to Terriah. She's denying everything that Reggie told me. So either Reggie lied or Terriah's lying or something is wrong with Terriah. So I don't know. I never know."

We both contemplated this fact for a second, and then Myra started speaking. "Maybe it was a bad connection. Maybe it's just something that ended up happening. Maybe Terriah was feeling and thinking at the same time. Dreams aren't always 100% accurate, and I know you know that I'm right."

"Yeah. I know. It's cool though."

"Yeah. What did you mean by 'you poured yourself out to Tyrone?"

I sat for a second I had a feeling I was going to be judged but at the moment I don't give a care in the world, so, why not tell her? As I said before: We've come this far.

"Oh. I just said that I practically love him, Liked him for at least a year now. That I was a bad person for not telling him before, and for not crying before. How I haven't slept for two days. How I'm not being delirious when I told him all that. It was all true. It was all from emotion. You know. Stuff like that. Nothing real important." Isn't it funny how I can make so much stuff sound so casual?

"ShuhNaeNae. Did you NOT know that, that would result badly? Are you really mad about that? Why do you got to be so impulsive? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

I know this time I ain't going to cry. I looked her in the eyes. "Why are you yelling at me? I did nothing to you! YOU WERE THE ONE TO ASK ME. You know what? Fuck this. What's really going on with you? Why are you so mad? What is your problem. Your family didn't just die. You're free. But I will forever be hunted down trying to get killed. What's wrong. Tell me. NO judgments. Just the truth."


A loud crackle. Myra collapses on the ground.

Ironic. Tyrone and Reggie come in right at that moment.

"What happened?!"

I look at him sarcastically "I shot the bitch."

"Where'd you get the gun?" Tyrone asks stupidly.

I look at him giving that "really? Are you serious?"

Reggie does the good thing and takes Myra to the Hospital. She had very little strength. Reggie wanted Tyrone to stay here and make sure that I was safe. Like I can't take care of myself. At this time the door is wide open. This was my chance. My chance to run for my life and go into my own hiding. Hey, I'm downtown. You can run and never be found. I have a friend who lives down the street, around the corner, and down the street again. Imma run like I'm getting chased by the police.

Tyrone was standing at the door staring out. Keeping guard I guess? I don't know. I pushed him out the way and put my plan into action. He kept yelling and shouting at me because I wouldn't slow down or I wouldn't cooperate with him. Does he not know that I need my fresh air? I don't want to feel confined. I just can't do it. I at least have to have a little more space then I had in there. If you want me to cooperate, then we are going to have to come up with a compromise or something.

We came to my friend's house. I quickly knocked on the door and waited for a response. She probably went downtown. Tyronewas around the corner. I called her and told her to answer the door. I left her texts. Nothing was working. I got out the Bobby Pin that I carry around with me and I started pick locking it. It worked awesomely. CRAP! I've been caught.


I looked at him like he was the stupidest dude I have ever met in my life. I didn't say anything but: "I'm so tired of being locked and trapped. I feel like I have been locked and trapped my entire life. Now is the only time I have to get away and set myself free. I know you mad at me for liking you and all of this other crap, but now we can both be free. I am now free from you. I have been sitting here for a year. A YEAR! I don't understand why. But I have. You were only on lock down for me for 24 hours. Me: 15 years! But, now. I am free from the feeling for you. I am officially single. I am single emotionally, physically, and mentally. You are no longer on my mind, except for the protection of me. Are you happy? I know I am."

We were still in the house so my friend, Sophia, came actually I have a lot of "sisters" (Best friends who are like sisters.).

We exchanged hugs and I told her everything that had happened so far.

Right now I feel like I'm the only one that is new to all of this. Apparently both Sophia and I's friend has been in this situation too. Her name is Morgan. I'm getting kind of worried. Sophia said that it happened to her about two months ago. Ironic. Two months ago was when Morgan started acting up at school and getting bad grades and everything. I'm so confused. Let's recap. Tyrone, Reggie, Terriah, and Morgan have been through this situation. Only Morgan and Terriah were affected in some way. This is suspicious. Why didn't Reggie or Tyrone have an effect? This may sound like something stupid to do, but, I'm going back.Tyrone, Reggie, Myra, Sophia, and Morgan are all coming with me.

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