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I never wanted to be constantly followed by Tyrone. Not only was it getting annoying, it was getting to feel a little un~comfortably stalker ish and weird. He danced with one of my best friends, and he knew I liked him, and he went out with a "sister" of mine. But fuck this. Now it is time to move on to tell you what's happened at school. It's funny. I can't escape anything. I can't go home. Now I don't really have a home. I'm terrified of The House, and school, it's the most normal place to be, but it's getting even more annoying by the day.

We took a field trip to Carolina beach. I don't know why, we just did to have some fun. We were suppose to be learning about waves or tides or something. Ik don't know. I shave to much on my mind right now than to be worrying about that shitt.

Anyway. I was sitting on thhe shore talking with Morgan and Liam. To be honest, Liam was really decent looking. He looked like he good be a Pop artist one day or something. Moorgan was lucky to have him. I persoally wouldn't want him as a boy frikend, but he's a good friend.

We were talking about how we didn't care about this, the house, you know, the average teen things to say. All of the sudden, I see this huge wave. I stood up to see what it was. I felt the ground move. EARTHQUAKE! Wait. We were at the beach. Oh fuck. TSUNAMI! The teachers started yelling. Everyone started yelling "RUN BITCHES RUN!" Every one except me. I've always wanted to see what a tsunami would do, how it would feel what it was like. This was my chance. I was not going to pass this up. I can be such a dumbass.

I ran out to the water. Everyone was yelling at me, telling me to come back, that I was going to die. But, hey, you only live once. #YOLO!

This was a crazy idea. If i was going to do this. I was going to swagg it out. I jumped all the little waves and went straight for the glory. I figured that this was just my luck. My family died, All this other shitt, it's only my luck thatg a tsunamik happens the same day that Ik go to the beach to chillax. Maybe the people that were after me were coming for me through water? Naw. That's not possible. I got more sense than to think that. I came up. I was facing life and death. You all are all the viewers, I think we can all agree thatI'm not going to die. What kinda story would it be if I stopped it there? It's what I saw in the water that will grab your attention.

It was about to crash. Now this was the perfect time to say that there wasn't any turning back now, cause, it's kind of late for that. It crashe, Several pounds of water overcosming my boddy, drowning me, creating no air. Sometimes I pay attention in science class, nthe one day I did, (before the people killed my family and stuff) theyh had said that there is air in water, just not enough to breathe.

This water was pure blue, all of the sudden, it turned brown, gray, black. I saw sharks coming my way. I saw a hole. Oh shitt. This wasn't only a tsunami, it was a water spout and a whirl pool. Okay. That means I had three options. I coult go with the Tsunami and go forward, go with the water spout and go up, or, I could go down with the whirl pool. I'm going to go with original idea and go with the tsunami.

I could hear little whispers overcoming the water that was clogging my ears. "Don't come back. You will pay. Return the book, and there will be peace. You have one day."

I got shivers down my back. This iss very reassuring. I finally got my head over. I crashed. The tsunami died down after I heard the whispers. I was alive, and I lived the dream. I am now, and officially, a fucking legend. BOW BITCH! *what Myra says*

I walked back toward the shelter where everyone was hudled up. Everyone got pictures and everything of my dumbass self going out into the water. Right now I was getting yelled at by teachers and getting praised and put down by the people that were in my class. You know how it do. The "Your a crazy bitch. But a fucking boss!" And other stuff like that. I wwas now, the only one that has ever survived a Tsunami. I got new clothes and was dried and stuff. IK couldn't keep what I saw and heard out there to myself. I had to tell someone. This building that we wsere in had so many rooms. We were allowed to go anywhere in there. I gather up Myra, Tyrone, Terriah, Reggie, Morgan, and Liam. I also called Sophia. I told them what had happened. It was kind of hard to communicate to any of them except Sophia. They were all flirting with eachother. Morgan and Liam looked like they were having a swallowing contest or something. I finally seperated them from eachother and began telling them what had happened.

"What re you talking about?" I forgot that Terriah had forgotten everything. I had filled her in on everything that had happened so far and what Reggie told me happenned to her him and Tyrone. She denied everything. "NO! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" This was hopeless. I don't have any proof. Let's see. They had it in for me. I needed more answers. Where tol go? Where to go?

Thankfully, the entire bad wether died down nd we got to go back outside. All theteachers had doubts of me going back towards the beach, but, hey, free country. Am I correct? I made my way towards the waves. Water is one of the many things that I am mostg attracted to. The crashing of the waves, the sound of water dripping. even the name "Water" makes me wanting to atleast have a hand in a bowl of it or something. That's how much I was practically addicted to it.

It was now sunset. We had to go back to school and meet our paarents there. Yes, because I could? Ugh! This made it harder to go anywhere anymore. I wanted to go somewhere where I felt at home. All my friends were split into three groups. Bad Ass, Ghetto, and Up Towners. Sophia was Ghetto, and Morgan was Bad Ass. Myra pretty much fits in the Ghetto and the Up Towners.. She has different sides to when she wants to use them.

I decided that I was justg going tok walk to Sophia's house. She was like a sister to me. Not that Morgan or Myra wasn't, They were one of my sisters. But, Sophia can get on the same level that I can. Sometimes I just feel that she understands more than anyone else can. Sophia and I had once been enemies, even when we were enemies, she didn't sayh any of my secrets. That's trust righnt there. Everyone else is completely unpredictable.

As I was leving the school, the news people randomly came up to me. If you have never had this happen to you before, than you don't know how it do. If you don't then. okay. All these reporters started coming up to me randomly,yelling questions at me. It's really hard too keep up with everything that's going.

"How did you survive?" "Why did you go back out there?" "What was it like?" "Was this educating?" "Was it scary?"

I had no where better to be so, I just silenced the crowd. And made a speech. "I went back out there because I felt that there was something out there that I had to experience. I knew that I would be taking a risk. I love water. I'm not a surfer or a competitive swimmer or anything like that. I am just ShuhNaeNae. The chance I tooke will stay with history for forever. I will be the one that authors wil lwant to write about. I will be the one that has the higher standard of my stories. I am the one people will want to read about. When I was out there, it was like something I would have never experienced if I playsed by the rules. It was very hard to breathe, but it was so easy to think, My thoughts kept rambling on the experience I had. Anymore questions?" They all started talking at the same time and I finally butted in and said "That was a rhetorical

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