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I rode the bus with Morgan. None of us couldn't sleep that night. Sophia and I were texting all night, and Morgan and Liam were having phone sex. Ugh! That is SO disturbing! You know why you don't have phone sex? Because you might get hearing aids. I saw that on Facebook. Excuse the corniness.

Anyway, I don't know how I'm going to get through all this. Myra's not going to be at school, I'll have to see Tyone, Reggie will probably be talking to me about all of this. I'm going to want to talk to Terriah about all of this, but she won't remember shit. I need answers, and I need them quick. I remember last night I had the book. I couldn't sleep, but I was surely too lazy and too tired to read. Fucked up right? I really don't want to go to school, but, I know that it's the best place for me right now.

On the bus, I didn't talk to anyone. I was too busy planning on how to change subjects with Tyrone and Reggie and how to make everything a lot less awkward between me and Tyrone. Let's see. In first period, he sits directly in fronty of me. We're pretty distant in second period. Third period he sits right beside me. Oh, if I'm lucky he'll just talk about his video games and all of the awesome stuff that he saw on Youtube. Oh Lord, I hope it ends up being like that. fourth, fifth, lunch, and electives should go swimmingly. Hopefully.

We finally came to school. I lethargically made it to class with my head held high and very little dignity. As I suspected, Tyrone was back to his normal self, and me, as usuual, was still as predictably unpredicatble as usual. Such as: I come into first period everyday. Sam sits across from me, and everytime I come in i say the same thing. But I say one of two things. "OMG! SAMMERZZ!" or "SAMMY! HOW ARE YOUUUU?!?!" Sam is like a brother to me, even though he doesn't know it yet. I have a lot of people like that. Such as Caleb and Duncan and Josh. These people are some of the people that I, well, you know, love like a brother. Everything went pretty normally, until we got to P.E.

Today was an odd in P.E. The teachers said that we were to do Square Dancing. In Square Dancing you have to have a partner. Tyrone was also in this class. Yay. Joyful. I'm ecstatic. I decided to just sit this one out. Morgan and I were talking about how some of the teachers we have can be such bitches. Then, of course, Tyrone comes and interrupts our conversation. He asked Morgan to dance with her. Now, Tyrone thinks I still like him, when I honsetly truely don't. The fact that he has the nerve to ask her to dance when he thinks I ,like him, IT'S ABSURD! Who knows wht they're talking about, and who gives a fuck anymore? You know what? Fuck this. I'm going home, or to wherever I'm suppose to be.

I had no where better to go to after school, so, I went to Sophia's house. Where better to go? She was one of the few people that was actually one of my wise friends. I knocked on the door. I heard laughing and a scratchy voice. It was getting colder outside, so I went inside.


"Who's there," that was Sophia. Ugh! What was that smell? She sounded kind of giggly. If you know anything about drugs, than you know that this was weed.

They were up in the attic when I found them. I went up to go say hi. It was weird. I was the only one not puffing, so I know that I wasn't seeing things. I saw Sophia, Lil Wayne, and Ke$ha sitting in a circle, smoking out of a bong. Well, this was an unusual day, but, most of aall my days these days are kinda... fuck up. So I figured why not justg sit with them?

So I sat. Puffed once, couldn't take it. To be honest, I ain't about that life. So I left the attic and went to the living room. I had nothing better to do. So I sat and waited and sat and waited for something to happen. Then I remembered the book. I wasn't stupid enough to leave it at Morgan's, and I surely wasn't going to leave it or bring it to school. People must find me crazy. I was going no where near that freaky house right when I hid it.

Before I went to Morgan's house, I saw where Tyrone was heading. At night, when everyone else was sleeping, I took a risk at hiding the book in the bushes. Had nowhere better to hide it. So, I hid it in Terriah's bushes. Wow. That sounds very stalkerish. That's not the point.

I decided to take Ke$ha with me to go get the book. Sophia is too busy getting high with Lil Wayne. Ke$ha was like the third wwheel in all this, so I left them two alone. She asked multiple times where we were going, and I said: "a friend's house. Don't ask me anymore questions. All of this is very confidential information. So just shut up."

We came up to the house. Terriah was walking down the street. She saw me and asked me where I was going. I his the high Ke$ha in the bushes,, so she didn't see her. I came up with the best lie I could at the moment.

"I am, you know just being ShuhNaeNae."

"Yes, but whhat are you doing here" I wasn't about to panic.

"I'm just strolling through. You know, trying to find my friends house, buft I think I have the wrong street. Bye!" I pushed past her and ran around the block back to her house. I grabbed the book and ran back to Sophia's house. By then, Tyrone, Reggie, Morgan and Liam were at Sophia's house and they were in a circle. Well, this is a little odd, buft hey, who gives a fuck anymore?

I sat down. They weren't saying anything, they were just staring at eachother.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just have nothing to say." I sat the book on the floor and told them what it was annd the significance of it. I opened it slowly, just to be dramatic. I opened and it kind of felt like that was when everythging went down hill. It was all in Latin. Joyy. We were screwed. There was nothing to do now but to try to translate it into English.

We didn ''t really get very far. Actually, we couldn't translate anything. Oh, well. We'll try later.

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