chapter 6

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You face palmed seeing isagi in his thoughts but you just let him be knowing he would be fine, well kuon trying to get a ball from the other team.

'Well looks like he's going to shoot' you thought to yourself seeing the boy kick the ball and made a goal. 'And I was right'

"Remember this amateurs," the boy started, "peasant trash like you.. are no better than the ball i kick."

'Oh, he's so full of himself' you thought to yourself. 'How will our team do against him'

"We're not here to be friends, you're only here to make me shine. After all, on this pitch... I am the one true king."

"Nice one Baro!" You heard a voice shout. 'His name is Baro....hmmm' you thought to yourself. 'How fun to crush him'

"Eren! You're were close to him, you could of got the play from him! Why didn't you!" Igaguri yelled out to you, which was a big mistake.

"Tch, you don't have the right to yell at me." You retorted to him Turing to him with your bangs covering your eyes. "I've decided to not play." One of your eyes peered through your hair. "Since I want you guys to improve, to me you guys are just decent except for a few people who I personally know will level up."

Igaguri shook at the look your giving him. "O-okay." He stuttered out but than jumped once he felt isagi pat him on the back.

"Don't yell at eren." He said in a low tone. "If you don't want that side to show." Dispite having a calm tone he to were Slightly scared.

You yawned. "Let's continue." You said like nothing happened going back to your usual self.

Everyone on the field blinked at how your behavior changed the other team were confused well your team just got ready for the ball.

You looked back forward giving out a long sigh. "I might what I said."

The game begun which your team has 1 points well the other team has 3 points which in return meaning you guys will be tied if they make the goal.

You look at the time seeing 2 minutes is left you weren't worried knowing that your team will score. Your main focus is watching isagi and bachira.

They are your main focus knowing that they Also have a monster inside of them, well isagi just have to know what he has to do.

They were close so you could hear bachira tell isagi something. "I'll bait in the defenders I can, then pass it straight to you where they'll be less focused. And you'll pick it up, charge ahead, and shoot." You hummed at bachiras plan. "run for your life isagi, get in front of the goal."

'That plan isn't a bad idea' you thought. 'Bachira could be smart when he wants to be'

"Okay, bachira." You heard isagi replied with as well of the ball kicking to bachira.

You looked at them seeing bachira passed the ball back to isagi who made it to the goal on time. 'So far good' you thought 'but what will you do now'

The 'king' marked isagi. "Number 11... you dare to stand before me? Only I am the one true king," Barou started, "bow down you peasant."

"Are you not going to help him?" Someone asked you from behind from the other team making sure you won't help isagi. "No." You snorted. "He gets it." With that you watched isagi passed the ball to Kunigami.

"See." You said walking off to go with your teammates who is celebrating. "Good job isagi." The said person's chuckled.

"Thanks but I didn't know what I did." A smirk appeared on your lips but it disappeared before isagi saw it. "Ah don't worry." You pat his back. "You'll get it soon."

"LETS GOOOOO!" You winced when you heard Kunigami yell from the other side of the field.


Your eyebrow twitched at how loud he is, well isagi tried to explain his actions, but raichi interrupted, "ARE YOU RETARDED OR WHAT?! YOU THE KIND OF IDIOT WHO'D PASS INSTEAD OF TAKING THE SHOT WHEN YOU'VE GOT THE CHANCE?!"

You were trying to not yell kuon was trying to calm raichi down but it didn't work. "BUT WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE, YOU STILL PASSED IT! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN COME TO BLUE LOCK HUH?! HUH!!"

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP SHARK TEETH." you yelled out when you had enough of his yelling. "AT LEAST WE MADE A GOAL." You huffed you didn't want to yell but your temper got the better than you.

It was Silence which your were glad for. "Can we go now." You muttered leaning on isagi. "The game is over."

Buzz The timer went off meaning the end of the game.

Everybody walked back to the lock room well he kept leaning on isagi with bachira following suit.

"Eren." You grunted letting bachira know that your listening. "That first goal you made for us was amazing."

You guys entered the lockroom well you let isagi change. "Oh, that it was nothing ." You wave him off changing into different clothes.

"Hey eren what do you mean, when you told me that 'I get it soon'." Isagi asked you when you were putting your hair back in a bun.

"Bachira told you that you have a monster inside you right." You said in your lazy tone facing him. "That is the hint of what you just did." You got close into his face. "Of the game we just played."

With that you got out of his face and dragged him back to the rooms well you muttered.

"Oh a nap sounds nice."

The Lazy Striker ☆Nagi Seishirou x Male reader☆Where stories live. Discover now