chapter 8

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You hummed as everybody is explaining their weapons. You know that bachira's weapon is dribble, well shark teeth is his shooting technique, what you know is that he called it 'sexy soccer' which you find weird.

You noted the others weapons that your teammates have, which Gagamaru's weapons is close quarters plays, lemon was a "jack of all trades," igaguri has his unyielding spirit, Kunigami has his left foot shooting power which you find okay, well kuon has his jumping power. You didn't want to tell them your qeapon yet.

It was isagi turn to tell them his weapon. "My weapon?..... hm.. well I dunno." Isagi said with a thoughtful full look trying figuring out what his weapon is.

"Font think to much about it." You said leaning on his shoulder. "You'll know soon."

"Mmm...thanks eren." He thanked you with a small smile.

"Passing ain't it?" Igaguri suggested.

"No that's no good for a striker.." isagi responded with which you agree with him.

'Truth be told' you thought to yourself, 'I know he will figure it out on his own and I may have a feeling what his weapon might be'

"Quite wasting our time if you don't even know!!" Raichi exclaimed in his loud voice.

You ignored him when kuon asked who would go next.

"Chigiri?" Kuon asked.

"Don't wanna say it..." He muttered.

"But everybody here is telling them theirs, it'd only fair if you say yours!" Igaguri said.

"Move on to the next person." You said. "Dont forces him to if he doesn't wanna say it." You gave them a lazy stare.

"FINE, THEN LETS MOVE ON!!" Raichi yelled agitated.

"Eren?" Kuon started gaining your attention. "What's your ability?"

"Yeah what is it!" Bachira exclaimed who is smiling real big. "It got to be something cool and strong!" You just deadpan at him.

"I'm not going to tell you guys" this cause Bachira to pout. "Why not it's obvious it might be something cool." He had stars in his eyes. "If you could pass those blockers with no help and still be able to score!"

'Note to self' you told yourself, 'Bachira gets way to excited'

"Thats that I'm still not telling." You said in a voice that the argument is over.

"Well.... thats okay if he doesn't want to tell us." Kuon said. " Now back what I was about to say, this foundation a team can be built."

How much you don't like kuon but you had to agree what he had said as he continued, "I think we should focus on learing how to put our weapons to use."

You about to let your eyes close but before you could kuon spoke again. "WE'RE GOING WITH THE "I'm the next 9" TACTIC!!"

That made you slight jump as his yelling hurted your ears. "We're the next 9 tactic." You muttered thinking the name sounds bad. "What a not cool name." That earned you a chop on the head from isagi who you are still leaning on.

"I think that name is alright." He muttered to you. You rolled your eyes but didn't say anything.

You got your nap which you were grateful for. In the next few days the rest of the team z went through special training which you weren't going to do but was forced to when isagi threatened not letting you lean on him.

Which was not fair but you did the training but didn't show off. You even started to strengthen your teamwork with your team which you would sometimes give advice to depend if your in the mood.

The Lazy Striker ☆Nagi Seishirou x Male reader☆Where stories live. Discover now