chapter 17

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The next day

''This is boring.'' team z decided to which a few games. in the 9th match, meaning team y and team w are tied. ''Could I just sit this one out?'' You muttered. ''I don't need to see these plays.''

''Still pay attention.'' Isagi said to you, who is lying on your stomach with both hands on your face. ''Yeah, yeah.'' You waved him off.

''Even if we tie against them due to the goal differential, we'd still be eliminated. and yet there's an easy solution.'' lemon started. ''If we win, we will pass. That's all it takes!''

''Who say we are going to tie with them?'' You started making everyone look at you. ''The f*ck are we here for? i know it's to only score.'' Your eyes glowed with light blue mixed with black. ''I'll destroy them.''

Everybody shivered at the intense feeling that you were giving off. ''I'll take it you're going to play serious in this match eren-chan.'' Bachari sings out. feeling excitement in his body.

''I'll show them the differents in their plays compared to mine.'' you growled out remembering that certain purple head. ''Kuon is useless to us now.''

''Well, the.... if that is how you feel. we still need to know who is behind team V's success...'' lemon grabbed the remote for the t.v, turning the t.v showing the three people you saw. ''This the three games, they scored a total of 18 goals... this trio is responsible for team v's ridiculous and surreal victories.''

''With five goals Zantetsu Tsurugi.... with six goals, Reo Mikage... and team V's top scorer with seven goals, Seishiro Nagi.'' lemon explained.

'That person I took food from?' You thought.

''If we don't win this match we are done for.'' lemon said.

''Like I would let that happen.'' You said, getting up heading to the training room.

''Can't wait, see how eren plays.'' Bachir said with a wide smile.


''Destroy.'' You stretched your legs. ''Despair is the key for everybody to envolde.'' You spoke your father's words that are in grave into you. ''You couldn't be more right, father.'' done with stretching, you bounced the ball on your knees. ''How else was i this strong when you keep destroying me in soccer... thanks to you, I'm stronger.''

Right when the scoccer ball was about to hit your knee in midair, you removed your knee and kicked the ball. "Maybe I should use that move." You mumbled to yourself.

You are on a different level higher than your team. The most reason you were in blue lock the lowest part was because you didn't show how much you can play.

"The air kick." You muttered that is one of you moves that is difficult for any other player to do, cause it would require a lot of training for them to master it.

''Eren!'' you stopped the ball and faced the person who called your name. ''Yes...bachira?'' the said person took the ball. ''I'm excited!'' you arched your brow.

''Oh, for what reason?'' Bachira gave you blank stare. 'Cause I can see how you truly play.'' He said. ''Not that you weren't amazing before...Just to see how well you can play.'' you silently knew what he was talking about.

in blue lock you showed that you can do amazing tricks and break the defends of the teams and score but you haven't fully showed how you really played. Bachira and isagi knew this.

Your fist tighten remember the purple hair boy at what he said. ''I'll fu*cking destroy that purple hair boy.'' Bachira chuckled hearing you curse.

''That Reo boy got under your skin huh?''

''You have no idea..can wait to see that despair on his face..'' you grinned in a sinster way, making bachira have goosebumps.

That day bachira made a promise to himself not to say anything rude, not wanting to fear that tempter of yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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