Chapter Ten

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The moon shone brightly above. Shadowpaw’s heart raced as the young apprentice sprinted through the snow-covered bracken, sending puffs of snow flying everywhere. The forest was so quiet, so calm, that it sent a shiver down the black and white tabby’s spine. The chilly wind blew through her fur, but she didn’t mind. She flew through the forest after the patrol, her eyes bright as the full moon above. Snowflakes drifted down, clinging on the cat’s pelts. Running for several minutes, the patrol kept their pace up. By now they were near the Ancient Oak. The lake was still frozen solid with a light layer of the pearl white snow on top. Snow cracked under paw. This was the best feeling in the world.

It wasn’t long before they reached the WindClan border. The wind picked up as they continued forward; the snow swirled around their paws. Shadowpaw couldn’t imagine being a WindClan cat, having to stay out in the cold all day. Especially sleeping under the stars, at night, when the temperatures are the coldest. She shivered at the thought. Making sure to stay two tail-lengths form the lake, the patrol filed neatly along the shore. The stars were more than a mere light among many clouds. Even though the full moon was covered by grey clouds, all the cats of the Clans knew StarClan was watching. They were always watching.

Ahead, Shadowpaw could hear Bramblestar whispering to Jayfeather. “I wonder if ShadowClan will mention the invasion.” He looked up at the stars.

Jayfeather slipped, but quickly regained his balance. He shook himself off. “Probably not. Especially since StarClan themselves told them it wasn’t right to invade for the purpose of revenge. Even ShadowClan is loyal to their warrior ancestors.”

“Even if they did announce it,” Dovewing interrupted, “it wouldn’t make a difference. No one died, did they?”

Jayfeather shot her a strange glance. “You mean other than both Bramblestar and Blackstar losing a life?”

“Wait a second.” Bramblestar’s expression turned to utter confusion. “That was his last life, am I correct? How is he still alive?!”

A dead silence swept over the three. It was Jayfeather who replied, “Maybe StarClan has granted him one more life.”

“That can’t be correct, either!” Dovewing sounded frantic. “Blackstar lost his final life during the battle! Didn’t he?”

The ThunderClan leader sighed. “I’m not sure, but let’s pick up our pace before we’re the last Clan there.”

Without another word, the patrol raced forward. Before they knew it, they passed the WindClan border and onto RiverClan territory. Shadowpaw was panting by now, her paws numb from the cold of the snow. The small island that had been described to her multiple times before lied ahead, its tall trees no more than a shadow against the brightly-shining moon. Slowing their pace, the patrol came to a stop in front a fallen tree log. Bramblestar leapt in front of everyone, crossing the bridge with ease. With a flick of his tail, the rest of the cats jumped on and scurried over to the island. Now it was Shadowpaw’s turn. She did as her clan mates did and leapt on top of the log. An overwhelmingly strong scent of cats hit her, causing her to almost loose her balance. There was a small layer of ice a few steps ahead. The small apprentice cautiously made her way forward, her breath clouding around her muzzle. But as soon as she laid her fourth paw on the log, her legs buckled out from underneath her and she slipped sideways with a loud yelp. She instinctively unsheathed her claws, sinking them into the ice-bark in hopes of catching her fall. She looked sideways as she hung there like a helpless kit, unable to get a foothold. The lake was several tail-lengths below, and she didn’t want to take the risk of falling in. The only cat she could see was Scorchpaw. She called his name, a wave of embarrassment flooding over her. “Help me!” She called.

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