Chapter Five

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A clinging sound jolted me awake and I jumped a mile, ripping my eyes open widely with a cold explosion in my chest before spotting a plate on the bedside table. My gaze found the man from last night standing next to it holding a glass full of some orange liquid.

"It's okay! I brought you breakfast," he said softly, sluggishly placing the glass next to the plate of food and taking a few steps back, "if you don't like it I can make you something else."

I slid toward the delicious smelling food and grabbed a piece of the many yellow chunks, reluctantly putting it in my mouth and the warm flavor melted on my taste buds. I've only ever eaten cold leftovers of the same three things: mashed potatoes, pasta, and tofu.

"The utensil on the plate, you use that," his voice interrupted my moment and I glanced over to make sure he wasn't approaching. Then, I vaguely heard him mutter, "I wish I could take away your pain..."

My hand reached for the silver object, picking it up and stabbing into the yellow chunks. I eagerly shoved it into my mouth but the object stabbed into my lip and I threw it down, covering my face and sucking the metallic taste off.

"Are you okay?" He panicked, his arms were around my body instantly and fear strangled me. My heart physically moved my chest with its harsh, rapid beats and I clenched my eyes shut with expectation of inevitable pain.

My anticipation made me flinch when I felt his finger connect with my injury but my scrunched face started to relax, his thumb grazing my lip gently and warm tingles followed the painless action.

"Please be careful, you're hurt enough," he mumbled, trailing his thumb away from my lips and sliding his hand the rest of the way to my left cheek. I clenched my jaw with tense muscles, not daring to open my eyes because I knew I'd be face to face with him.

"You don't have to be so afraid of me... I only want to help you," he whispered, the feeling of his hand on my face began appeasing my sensitive skin in heated tingles and my tightened jaw loosened.

I felt his body lean forward and my guard shot right back up, causing the warm feeling in my chest to vanish, my breathing quickened until it came to an abrupt halt when a smooth pair of lips pressed against my forehead softly.

I sat there paralyzed and shocked, feeling him linger a moment before leaning back and caressing my cheekbone, "I'll never ever hurt you. If I have to say it everyday in order to assure you then I will."

His hand left my face and I hesitantly opened my eyes, seeing him walk out of the room and close the door quietly as though he was the one afraid to displease me.

Did he poison the food? Was that his weird way of convincing me to eat more so I'll die? Why would he waste his food on me? He didn't eat any of it, it looked untouched, so he must've put something in it.

I frowned at the plate of steaming yellow chunks, hearing my stomach rumble aggressively at the scent after teasing myself with two bites. It looks appetizing but I can't eat anymore, he laced it with something. Ignoring my hunger, I made my way to the door and left the room cautiously. I won't wait around and find out what they're planning to do to me. They might've contacted Jade and are stalling me until she gets here. I won't stay and find out.

I trust the animals lurking in the woods more than the humans roaming the streets. At least animals have good reasoning, they attack when they feel threatened or for hunger. Humans do it for joy, they do it just to do it. I'm not meant to be one of them, I always felt deep down that I was born to be something more. I could never be so evil.

The long lost exit finally approached my view and hope sparked inside me for the first time in forever. My feet took off like a bullet and I rattled the door loudly with the force I applied to open it, not bothering to close it and fully sending myself straight into the trees.

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