Chapter Six

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Axel Moretti's POV

I opened my eyes in sheer panic before my mate's intoxicating scent reached my nose and I physically relaxed, my vision adjusted to the now dark room and I admired her sleeping figure. Her hand was still holding my paw and her other was on my back, no longer moving from her previous petting gestures.

It pains me to know she doesn't want me, she tried to run away. My delicate little human fears me and I don't understand why. It frustrates me not knowing about her.

Humans are foreign to me and I never tried to know them, their mere existence bothered me up until I met my beautiful mate. At first, I was disappointed and slightly annoyed the moon goddess would send me someone so different. She gave me such a fragile soul knowing I could break her in seconds, yet as I examined her, I instantly saw the reason behind her ludicrous choice.

She sent her into my life to put an end to my ruthlessness, she gave me a mate so fragile to teach me how to be gentle.

Her hand clenched my paw and I grew alarmed, leaning forward without startling her awake and sniffing the air to ensure she didn't rip open any of the wounds to cause her discomfort. Her grip then loosened and I let out a quiet whine, replacing my head on her collarbone.

I hate how easily she receives injuries because she's human, there's not much I know about them and I'll admit that, but I'm very aware they're prone to physical damage. I hate how that's just part of her delicate human qualities. She's the first one I've met and I'm learning from her. I'm still so uncertain if her actions are normal and I'm trying my best to suit her comfort until I figure it out.

She won't even look at me, and I think that's what hurts the most. I want to see those beautiful eyes.

'Something happened to mate. She doesn't trust her own kind, other humans hurt her,' Dax whimpered.

I withheld a snarl at the thought except I knew better than to jump to conclusions, but I'm also beginning to have suspicions that my beautiful girl was beaten.

I, of all people, would know what torture looks like. I've hurt and killed many werewolves without care for years, and if I find out my innocent mate has been receiving the same treatment I inflict, it will bring me so much guilt, shame, and fury.

The mere image of her starved body being harmed sent my hackles up in rage and I bared my teeth, thinking of the many ways I could avenge her without certainty that's even what happened. I refrained from letting out a growl so I didn't scare her awake and cautiously lifted my body from hers, effortlessly slipping onto the floor to let her sleep in peace before I went on a rampage over a possibility.

She doesn't know that I'm not just a wolf and it feels wrong tricking her. As much as I want to stay and cuddle with her, I won't. She isn't comfortable with me for me, but she's comfortable with me as my wolf. I will try to spend the majority of my time with her in this form, only occasionally slipping in as myself so I don't startle her anymore than I already have. I came onto her too strong and scared her.

Who knew insignificant things would set a human off? It enrages me more knowing she could be reacting that way because she was possibly beaten by another person.

Either way, I will fix my queen.

A sound made me stop mid-step, glancing back at my mate who was now rubbing her eyes and squinting into the darkened room, making it so I couldn't see into them. Her hands frantically felt around her and before I could finish my journey to the door, my body was already retreating to the bedside where one of her searching hands found the fur of my ear. Her soothing touch reminded me of her gentle nature; I will protect her pure beauty with my life.

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