Chapter Two

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A burning pain in my muscles pulled me back to consciousness and my body was surprisingly still clothed. My arms were restrained behind my back in the handcuffs Jade always used whenever she was about to punish me severely. Tears were flowing down my face as I sat up, struggling to free myself from the binds when I saw her nearing me.

"You need to be taught a lesson, you stupid cunt, you think you can just run away from me? Exactly like your father?" She spat angrily.

I shook my head trying to appease her, rolling to my stomach and bowing down to her feet hoping she will take it easier on me tonight. I doubted it because I've done three things she hates the most—things I was never supposed to do unless I wanted death.

She kicked the side of my face and I fell to my side, clenching my eyes shut from the pain with no time to recover before she buried her fingers into my hair and dragged me out the back door. The freezing air smacked me and I shivered. We approached the mossy, smelly, miniature pond and my heart dropped.

"Go in there and retrieve your foot, then I'll give you another chance," she sneered, confusing me with her words.

I still have all of my limbs.

An excruciating burning pain appeared in my ankle and I desperately wanted to scream out, burying my face into the cold earth as my tears watered the grass. I curled up, my body shaking with my silent sobs alongside her cackling laughter.

"Oh, shut the fuck up," she scoffed, crouching down to my level and shoving my now severed foot into my face. I cried harder at the disturbing sight, "be grateful I'm giving you this chance. I should just cut both your feet off so you'll never run again, but this lesson is far more entertaining. Now go fetch, stupid mutt," she cackled again, throwing my foot into the pond and kicking me in the side to roll me on my back, "I'd hurry, there's a short time frame where I'm able to put it back," she mocked, turning away and walking back into the house.

I tried to pull my hands out of the cuffs but they were too tight, resulting in me to roll into the ice cold water due to my squirming. Goosebumps kissed my body and the clothes I wore weighed me down, making it nearly impossible to stay above the surface. I kicked my legs around and struggled to use the water to lube my hands to freedom, but it was no avail. I felt myself sink and I inhaled harshly, falling under the water and flailing my body around in attempt to take control of the situation.

That's when my injured leg kicked into sharp rocks when I fell closer to the bottom and I clenched my jaw, my body tightening in extreme pain. This almost made me gasp in the water around me. That area was very sensitive because of all the exposed tissue and I already felt myself growing lightheaded from blood-loss.

I'm going to die.

I can't do this.

Just as I was about to give up, a memory from my childhood hit me. I'm unsure if it was my life flashing before my eyes because I'm about to die, but the memory was vivid. My dad was telling me what to do if I ever grew too tired during one of my swims and I was too far from shore.

"If you find yourself too weak to stay surfaced, stop struggling. It'll only make you sink. As hard as it might be, just hold your breath, relax, and let your body do the rest."

I forced my body to relax, straining to keep myself from breathing. A few seconds later, the surprisingly warm air hit my body and I opened my eyes with a gasp, finding myself floating on my back. I looked around me trying to find my foot, my panic returning when I couldn't find it and my body sunk again.

I kept my eyes open and ignored the stinging from the bacteria in the water, my eye struggling to see clearly in the darkness so I waited until I hit the bottom before pushing myself deeper into the pond.

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