Chapter Thirty

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I stumbled back at their closeness, flinching as she knocked him back and he landed next to me, growling. He didn't waste a second getting back onto his paws, looking at me for a moment before averting his gaze back onto her, except her attention was directly on me.

She pounced and he shielded me, lifting her off the ground by holding her throat in his jaws, then jolting his head to the side and letting her limp body hit the ground.

I gasped, covering my mouth to stop myself from crying at the gore in front of me. There was a hollow hole in her neck and her entire throat, plus the veins, were dangling out the sides of his mouth. The bone itself was sitting between his top and bottom teeth.

Another loud, deadly growl filled the air and I sucked in a sharp breath, looking past Calix to see bright white fur approaching us. He was baring his teeth, snarling lowly while the others stepped aside for him.

Calix dropped her throat and licked his lips clean, eyeing his brother and surprisingly taking slow steps back as if to silently say he doesn't want to fight. Axel didn't seem to accept his submission because he continued stalking toward him, appearing angrier each step.

Nobody moved in to help as we all watched Calix flatten his ears and close his eyes, no longer backing away from his brother. I couldn't contain the guilt anymore and crawled over, throwing my body in between them and locking my glassy eyes onto Axel's hateful yellow ones. They were identical to Calix's the day I met him and a chill ran through me.

"Don't," I exhaled, sniffling, then extended my arms to help block him, "I let him out. He stopped her from killing me," I whispered, shakily lowering my arms and reaching out to him.

He wasn't growling, but he was still baring his teeth, and I saw he was extremely tense. He looked like a cold killer. I was honestly afraid of him for the first time since we met. It was in this moment that I questioned my trust for him.

He's helped Wayne hurt me, what will stop him from doing so himself if I do something against his order?

Such as defend Calix.

No, I can't think like this.

My shaky hand found the fur over his cheek and his black, curled lips slowly curtained over his frightening teeth. The cold look in his eyes disappeared with one blink and he relaxed, his pupils expanding as soon as he pulled his line of sight away from the wolf behind me and our eyes met.

"Please... leave him alone," I said softly, moving over to look at Calix and they locked eyes again. The tension in his body returned, yet neither of them showed anymore signs of hostility toward one another.

Calix then lowered his head, lifting it to look at me a moment after and I let go of Axel to hug him. However, Axel didn't like my choice because he shoved his big head between us with a snarl and used his snout to nudge me back.

I plopped onto the grass and watched Calix stand abruptly, causing Axel's hackles to spring up in alarm and he was quick to shield me with his body.

His brother went from a sad puppy to a pissed off wolf by suddenly snapping his jaws at him, just barely missing his neck. He seemed to be reacting viciously out of offense regarding Axel's choice to block me.

That's when Axel nipped at him in retaliation and he yelped, flinching away and stiffening. Calix watched him lower his head and continue to snarl through the corner of his eye, resulting in him to bare his teeth as though he was silently telling his brother he was about to attack again.

I didn't like the familiar feeling of hatred and tension hanging in the air, so I swallowed harshly and grabbed Axel's neck with the intention to pull him back.

That just happened to be when Calix snapped. I didn't realize what was happening until pain formed in my hand and I retracted it with a shriek, biting my cheeks and analyzing the holes from his teeth on the front and back of my hand, there was blood gushing all down my arm.

Instantly, Axel shoved Calix into the ground and they began fighting worse than before.

Yelps and snarls filled the air and I panicked.

"Leave him alone!"

Immediately, Axel moved off of him and airplaned his ears, settling his gaze on me and whining softly. Calix rolled to his paws and wore a sad look, his eyes glued to my red hand while his nostrils flared rapidly as if he was smelling my wound.

We connected gazes and guilt flashed across his face, then he turned and took off running. Axel snapped his head and followed him with his eyes, but I clutched the fur on his side to stop him from chasing.

I felt him grow tense like he wanted to run after his brother until he turned to me and licked my face, averting his snout to my wounded hand and licking it repeatedly.

Quiet whines came from beside us and I glanced over, spotting everyone from before standing in a huddled line while they stared. Heat filled my face and I dropped my head, catching sight of Carly's body and feeling even worse.

That should've been me.


I zoned out on my scarred hand, still in bewilderment that it healed so quickly with just a few licks.

"How can such a gentle, caring man..." I paused, softly grazing over the bite scar that looked years old, "be a merciless killer?" I finished in a whisper, the corners of my lips pulling downward.

My eyes trailed up from my hand and onto the closed bathroom door, hearing the running water where I pictured his nude, sculpted torso glistening with soap suds and liquid.

"Why do I feel so comfortable with someone far more powerful than my mother?" I mumbled in confusion, immediately questioning my own belief, "do I?"

After a moment of contemplating, I stood up from the bed and undressed, walking up to the bathroom door and into the steamy room. I closed the door behind me and caught my reflection in the fogging mirror, my heart dropping into my stomach upon seeing newly formed, short, dark purple lines around the outside of my breasts and over my hips.

I've gained weight. Most of my bones aren't visible like they used to be, while others still are. I don't look unhealthy anymore. It's what I wanted, so why do I feel so much uglier...

"Angel? Are you okay? Do you need something?"

I blinked, looking down at my body in shame, then looking at the glass door between me and Axel.

Silently, I approached the door and slid it just enough to step in, closing it behind me and looking up at him to see he froze in his spot. He stared at me with wide eyes and I stepped closer to him, scanning the muscle definition across his body.

I do feel comfortable with him, because he only harms those who are malicious against me. Unlike my mother, who only harmed me and allowed those with malicious intentions do whatever they wished.

I felt ugly before stepping in.

Now, I feel beautiful.

I feel more than just comfortable.

I feel loved.

I feel...

Stepping closer, I felt my nipples lightly graze his hot chest and they hardened from the drastic change of temperature. The contact made him unfreeze, sliding his hands over my hips and closing the little distance between our bodies. Our eye contact remained strong until he leaned down and planted his lips over mine.

I felt an explosion of heated tingles fill my body and closed my eyes, feeling him pull me into the hot water with him. My hands raised to his chest and the tingles raging through me found my heart, resulting in every negative thought that I had over the past week to simply vanish.

I feel complete.

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