Chapter Twelve

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"I haven't been able to spend much time with you, so what do you say I stay with you the rest of the night? We can do whatever you want, beautiful," he suggested and excitement snaked around my heart, making me nod and step away from him.

I made sure he was watching before pointing at him and using my hands to make wolf ears, smiling widely until he scrunched his eyebrows with a smile of his own. This made me begin to frown, telling me he didn't understand, and that's when I started to grow frustrated with myself for being mute.

"Don't frown, it's okay. I can get you a notebook and a pencil," he rushed out, leading me to the bed then digging through the nightstand. I allowed my eyes to wander his stature with interest, following the curves in his muscles all the way up into the sleeve of his shirt.

The visible strength he had didn't frighten me near as much, yet I still had a cold feeling that he would eventually turn against me and no longer use those muscles to protect, but to hurt. I feel guilty for even thinking that.

"Here," he handed me what he promised and I took it with a nod in thanks, scooting to the middle of the bed and tapping the area in front of me. This he understood, taking a seat after removing his shoes and looking at me as if he was patiently awaiting his next order.

Are you really a werewolf :D

I showed the notebook to him and he widened his eyes, laughing forcefully, "uh, I—what makes you ask such a strange question?"

The doctor called you alpha. My father taught me only werewolves speak to each other that way. It's okay if you are. I won't hate you if you aren't normal. I promise :)

I showed him and he started to smile, "you already knew... I guess that's a bit relieving..." he trailed off, his smile growing and he slowly took the materials from my hands, setting them onto the far corner of the bed, "but you want to know what he might've forgotten to mention?"

I titled my head and he suddenly restrained my arms, pulling me on top of him and I felt a jolt of fear tighten my body, however, it faded into the warmth I love after realizing he wasn't trying to hurt me.

"We are very territorial," he smirked, flipping us to our sides and pressing his forehead to mine all while keeping a firm, yet gentle, hold on my wrists, "and do you know what happens to trespassers?"

I shook my head, never prying my eyes away from his as I waited for him to answer. Out of nowhere, he moved his hands to my ribs and started tapping his fingers rapidly into me, "they get attacked!"

I flopped around laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath, not understanding what he was doing. Regardless, I loved how good it's making me feel.

"But," he came to an abrupt stop, allowing me to recollect myself from laughing and I looked at him, my smile still lingering from his so-called attack. My heart skipped a few beats in anticipation of what he will do next, though something told me it wasn't going to be bad, and I decided to put my complete trust in it.

"Sometimes we are intrigued by the trespasser and want no harm to come to them," he added, a look of seriousness found his features and my smile faded away. His hand slowly raised to my face and I closed my eyes, feeling the warm roughness of his palm touch my cheek. I found them incredibly comforting despite the immense pain they could effortlessly inflict.

"We call them mates," he finalized, sounding held back as though he wasn't sure he could, or should, say that. I reopened my eyes to look at him, my smile returning and I pointed back and forth at us.

He must've known my question because he nodded, his charming smile also returning which caused an explosion of tingles to flow through every vein in my body.

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