Chapter Nineteen

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"Angel, what's been up with you? We were expecting you to get here a lot earlier," Gabbie shared a look with Whitney, both women shaking their heads at each other, "we know how Axel is and he's never went to his office so late before, what on earth did you do to him?"

I felt my cheeks flush as I looked down at my lap in embarrassment over last night's actions, catching a glimpse of Whitney pulling up a chair next to me while Gabbie went straight for the refrigerator.

"Yeah, he was acting weirdly nice. Normally, he's highly intimidating to be around in the mornings, if we'll even consider it morning anymore," she added, turning her head to look at the digital clock on the wall that read two twenty-one.

"Tell us the tea!" Gabbie sang, snatching an opened container with silverware sticking out of the top before smelling it, "but first, does anyone know who's this is?" She asked, glancing back in the fridge then pulling out a note and furrowing her eyebrows as she read it.

"Do not touch my yogurt. I'll be back for it in thirty minutes and it better be there. I'm serious, do not touch my food—yes, I'm talking to you, Gabbie."

Her expression appeared offended by the words she just read and she looked up at us, "well, I wasn't going to eat it, but now I will," she crumbled the paper then began digging into the blue substance.

"Do tell," she added, her mouth full of the yogurt just before she swallowed and took another huge bite, taking a seat across from us and leaning closer expectantly.

"There's nothing to really say..." I trailed off, staring at the design in the counter with a small smile at the memory.


He walked out of the bathroom and stared down at me with gleaming, bright eyes and a lopsided smile, appearing lovestruck, which made him much more enticing to stare at. His shirtless figure already had me in a daze, now I think I might just faint.

How could someone like him—a strong, masculine, powerful, inhuman man who could melt the arctic with just one dazzling smile—want me?

It scares me by just how much trust I felt for him after such a short period of time, but being under those adoring, silver eyes somehow made that fear languish.

"The things you're doing to me," he said quietly, walking over and sliding into bed next to me.

No, Axel.

The things you're doing to me.

I slightly regret brushing my teeth because the minty scent masks the one I had of his when we kissed, and I eagerly want to do it again.

"I really like you," I whispered, feeling him inch closer and turn on his side, draping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his chest. My entire side pressed against his smooth torso and I smiled uncontrollably.

"I really like you too, gorgeous," he answered. I turned my head to the side and stared over at him from my place on the pillow.

"Your hands are very rough compared to the rest of your body," I pointed out, my smile growing when he didn't respond. He merely smiled at me as though he didn't hear a word that just came out of my mouth.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I giggled uncontrollably, biting my lip to silence myself with embarrassment flooding through me at the way I sounded.

"Wow," he breathed in awe, his eyes twinkling and his smile grew, "your smile is the most precious thing I've ever seen, it makes your beautiful hazel eyes sparkle with spirit. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you beginning to thrive the way you deserve, love."

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