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Harry Pov

TW: Abuse (next chapter will have short summary of this chapter if needed.)

"Boy why haven't you started breakfast yet?" My uncle yells at the door to my 'room'. I gently get off my dirty mattress and get out of my room to start cooking. My body is sore due to the fact that I burned the food last night leading to a beating.

I quickly make breakfast and start my other chores so I don't earn another beating. I finish vacuuming, washing the dishes and dusting so I head outside to do the gardening.

As I gardening I hear a little voice. "All these humans keep scaring away all of my food." I look around but don't see anyone.

"Who is speaking?" I ask not understanding where the voice is coming from.

"You can understand me?"

"Well yeah, why wouldn't I be able to?" The voice doesn't have a chance to respond before I get dragged into the house by my uncle.

"Why do you have to be such a freak!" My uncle yells at me as he throws me into my room. He slams the door shut before stomping off. I curl into a corner not understanding what I did wrong. I know that he will be back and when he does it will hurt.

After about 4 minutes he returns with a belt and a wooden bat. I cower in the corner until he grabs my arm and throws me on to the floor in front of him. I accidentally let out a whimper leading to him getting more angry.

He beats me for what seems like forever switching of between belt and bat until I am just a bloody mess on the floor. Then he slams the door and locks it.

I drag myself to my bed and lay down. I close my eyes when a new wave of searing pain hits me. I want to scream and cry but hold it in as to not give my uncle another reason to hurt me.

My vision is starting to dot black from the pain when I hear a voice. "I'm sorry little one but this is the best I can do for now." I can hear deep sorrow in the female voice.

I wake up to my cousin jumping on the stairs above me. I wince quietly as I get up of my blood stained bed. My body feels heavier as I drag myself out of the room to make breakfast.

As I open the door the first thing I hear is, "Demon!"

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