Yule Break

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Harry Pov

About three weeks into the school year I got the colors back but they were way less overwhelming then when I first got here because I had a better understanding of the environment and the lady in my head told me how to control the amount I can see at once. I have limited to the first three feet in all directions around me.

I also got a close to the Weasley twins and they are just like draco when it comes to protection. They have already told me that they see me like their little brother. I also noticed that most of the people in the school have either really light colored or colors of medium hue around them. The only one who had a rather dark color is the headmaster himself.

I have gotten use to my classes and the professors have gotten used to me. I have even heard that there is word about letting in more disabled children in next year. I also made friends with Cedric and a boy named Neville by myself. Draco introduced me to his friends and I quite enjoy Pansy, Daphne and Theo.

The twins seemed to notice that I am weird around their older brother but they haven't figured out why even though I remember where I knew the name from now. He was on my test under mate. My father told me that. I haven't really gotten close to him though because it feels odd at the moment. Maybe because he has not unlocked his creature yet.

I am walking to the train station with draco and we are talking about the break. "My family is having a ball like always but apparently they asked your father's and they said that you can actually come this year as long as we stay together!"

"Really?!" I have wanted to go to one of their balls because Draco says that they are really fun after you get through your introductions to everyone in the room.

"Yep and mum says that she is going to set up a room for the children to hang out so it will be less stressful."


"I know. She is going to set up snack tables too." We spend the whole ride home talking about the ball until we are finally dragged apart by our parents so we can return home. I am super excited for my first party.

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