Potions and goblins

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Harry pov

"He is going to need to re break his bones so the potions can set them correctly and take nutrient potions." The lady says. "We will have to only break a few at a time to reset them."

I nod. "Well we have to be off we have a meeting with the goblins." Tom says before picking me up.

We head outside and then we get pulled through the tube again. We step into a building that makes all the footsteps echo.

"Hello, I need a creature and mate test as well as the paperwork for blood adoption." Tom says.

I here someone grunt and lead us some where. Tom sits down and sets me on his lap. After a few minutes a gruff voice talks. "The tests will cost 11 galions."

"That's fine take it out of one of my vaults."

"Place 5 drops of blood on each page and 3 in the bottle from the adopter."

"Okay Harry I have to cut your finger. Is that okay?" I nod and feel a slight sting. He squeezes my finger a few times before using magic to heal it.

"Now he needs to drink the potion and we will read the results. First do you want a name change?"

"Change his last name to gaunt." I hear shuffling and the scratch of writing before anyone talks again. "Harry I need you to drink this potion."

He places a bottle in my hands. I drink the contents quickly. It makes me feel a bit funny but that quickly goes away. "Now for the results." The gruff voice starts to read.

Creature test

Dark veela: often mistaken for demons due to their beauty, black wings and control of shadows. Allure will appear at 14. Allure is stronger than with normal veela but can be controlled. Allure will lessen after mate is found. (Rare).

Mate test

Charles Wesley: dragon lord, can control dragons and speak with them. Dragon lords Are very protective of their mates and will do anything to protect them. Dominant. (Rare)

"How interesting. A Wesley."

Authors note

Sorry for the late update I have been very busy and didn't have any premade chapters left.

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