A New Skill

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Harry pov

I have been with dad (Tom) and Papa (Severus) for about two years now. They have taught me a lot and I have finally mastered keeping my magic up so I can see. I still haven't told them because I wanted to wait till I had mastered it. I finished it last night so I will tell them at breakfast.

I get out of bed and stretch everything including my wings. Cissa tried her best to fix my wings but they still aren't completely fixed. They don't clause me pain anymore though.

I get dressed and head down to breakfast. Everyone is going to be there today as me and draco have lessons. I bounce all the way down stairs and into the kitchen before sitting in my seat.

"It seems that someone is in a good mood today." Dad comments.

"Yep." I respond waiting for them to notice the difference in what I did this morning. It doesn't take long for draco to comment.

"You didn't use the wall!"

"Nope I figured out how to see using magic." I say feeling a massive grin cover my face.

"Cool what does it look like?"

"Everything is outlined in gold."

"Interesting." Papa says.

"Very." Dad adds.

The rest of breakfast was fairly calm and quiet. Classes were easy and soon I was back in my room for the night.

"Little one, I have a gift for you." The voice in my head says.


"Yes, I need you to close your eyes and focus your magic on them." I do as she says and I feel something change slightly. "You can open your eyes now."

I look around and see that nothing has changed. All I see is the outline in gold. I pout, "what happened?"

"You can now see what each person is best at, how powerful their magic is and how dark their intentions are."


"How bright they look is their power , the darker the color the darker the intentions and each color is a different type of magic. Grey is the dark arts as they are called. Purple is potions, bronze is transfiguration and green is herbology. Care for magical creatures is blue, charms is yellow, history is orange and defense is red. Silver belongs to astronomy and gold to alchemy. Last flying is brown, divination is pink, elemental is rainbow and ancient runes is tan."

"So I can tell all of this about a person by just looking at them."

"Yes, my dear go look at yourself in the mirror."

I walk over to where I know there is a mirror and look at it. I can see the shape of my wings and my body in the mirror incased in blue. I smile at how light and bright it is. "Thank you."

"Your welcome little one. Now you better head off to bed you have a big day tomorrow."

"Okay." I climb into my bed and snuggle into the covers. Tomorrow I go off to Hogwarts with dray and Papa.

*Authors note

Charlie will be younger in this book so they will be at Hogwarts together. Percy will just be switched with him. So Percy is fresh out of Hogwarts and Charlie is in fourth year.

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