First Friend

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Harry pov

Over the past few months I have been working on seeing. Tom and Severus have been letting me adjust and only making me take my potions and eat. All of my bones have been broken and healed.

I have gotten to the point that I can keep my magic out showing me my surroundings all day. I still have to think about it though. Today they said that they are going to start teaching me magic.

I get out of bed after sending out my magic so that I can see. Dipzy already set out my clothes on the end of my bed. I slip them on and head downstairs to the dining room. I run my hand along the wall as I haven't told them that I can do this yet.

I arrive and there are five people talking at the table. I quickly hide behind Tom's seat. "Harry it is just Sissa and her family."

Sissa is the one who has been treating me so I slowly come out from behind the chair. I don't know her family so I am still a little unsure as I sit in my own seat. "Boys introduce yourselves." Sissa says to her family.

"I'm Draco." A young voice says. "We will go to Hogwarts together, if you go that is."

I give him a slight nod before the other person talks. "I am Lucius, I am Narssisas husband."

"Pleasure to meet you all." I mumble.

"Draco will be taking lessons with you at the manor." Severus says.


We finish breakfast and Sissa checks me over one last time. "You are healing well just remember to eat and take your potions." I nod. Sissa and Lucius leave and the rest of us head to the library.

"Today we are going to work on getting to know each other as we will be working together in learning until Hogwarts." Severus says.

We spend the day talking about everything. The only thing that I don't really talk about it how I ended up here. By dinner when his parents returned me and dray we're best friends.

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