CHAPTER 140 - [Beaten up after Taking Liberty with the Women ]

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"No problem, please wait for a moment. I will send in your orders right away."
The waiter briskly brought the list of their orders into the kitchen, leaving the four maidservants to explore the room and its contents.
Not to mention when they were in the Prince's Mansion, even if it were in the palace, they could follow their master to go around and gather experience from it.
The truth was that a tastefully decorated place like this was rare to come by.
"Master, what kind of a person do you think the owner of the Furong Restaurant is like?"
As Baiji looked around the place, she could not help but sing praises about it.
Although it was not exactly lavishly furnished, every item in the room was apparently carefully picked.
She, though uneducated, found every item interesting.
"I can't say what kind of person he or she is, but I can safely say that he or she is definitely a sophisticated person."
Lin Mengya commented indifferently while she leaned on the window and looked out into the street below with people going to and flow.
Furong Restaurant was at the turning of a cross-road junction.
At the angle where she was, she had a good view of the building surrounding the area.
This was rich men's area as she could see the various courtyards of the mansions.
The view was not at all boring.
The weather was fine just a moment ago, but in the twinkling of an eye, dark clouds were looming and the rain was impending.
Lin Mengya continued leaning on the window until she saw streaks of rain start to beat on the greenish-grey roof. In an instant, the sight of the world before her eyes became obscured and simultaneously her mood was dampened.
"Here comes your 'boiled crispy meat', 'seven connections elbows', and a pot of honey fragrant tea. Please enjoy!"

The waiter was swift in serving them the dishes they ordered.
"Boiled crispy meat" was prepared using the clean water from the hills outside the city. Apart from some spices, there were no other additional ingredients. For this reason, the meat, which was prepared in this manner, was crispy on the outside and soft on this inside, so much so that it melted in the mouth.
The 'seven connections elbows" was even more interesting. The dish derived its name from the fact that the meat on the elbow was connected to the bones at seven places.
Once it got picked up by the chopsticks, the meat separated from the bones the moment it was given a shake.
Out of curiosity, the lasses gently shook their chopsticks after picking a piece of the meat and immediately, the bone fell out of meat, clean and smooth.
"Wow! It's truly 'seven connections elbows'! How did they achieve this?"
Baizhi exclaimed in great pleasure, as she began to stuff her mouth with the meat.
The other three lasses shot her envious looks as they witnessed her hearty appetite.
However, they were careful not to take on Baizhi's fervent invitation.
"Look at the perfect knife skills. It looks like the person was extremely sharp and precise with the way he cut the meat."
They were completely unaware of when Lin Mengya had walked up to their back. At that instant, she picked up the bones from the table using a pair of chopsticks.
"I told you, Miss. I had the feeling that the chef here was an amazing chef."
Of course, Baizhi would keep singing praises as long as she had food to eat.
However, Lin Mengya seemed to have discovered a great finding.
Logically, the chef must have used the knife to slice part of the meat off the bone before cooking it.
Even as a medical research student, she might not have mastered such sharp and precise knife skills.
The bone was free of any remnant meat remaining on it.

Who exactly was the chef?
Lin Mengya's curiosity towards the chef of Furong Restaurant was sparked.
Just when she was about to send for the waiter, the noise of hard-knocking sounded from outside the room.
"Who's that outside the door?" cried Baishao.
The noise did not seem like it was coming from Furong Restaurant's waiter.
"Are you lonely, the five beautiful ladies? I have brought along my servants to keep you accompany. How do you like that?"
A frivolous voice sounded from outside, followed by a burst of laughter.
Lin Mengya frowned. Why were there even ruffians in such a tasteful restaurant?
Shaking her head, Lin Mengya indicated for Baisu, who was about to dash out, to ignore the group of people outside.
As long as the door was shut, it was impossible for whoever was outside to barge in.
"Yo, looks like the beautiful ladies don't know how to appreciate favors! Men, break open the door."
Immediately, the sound of people trying to break the door ensued.
The commotion upstairs had obviously alarmed the waiter who instantly ran upstairs. Smiling, the waiter said, "Sir, the room is occupied by a noblewoman and her company. I can totally understand your appreciation of beautiful women. However, you would be tarnishing your good name if you offend the lady."
"Who do you think you are? Get lost!"
It sounded like the man gave the waiter a kick because what followed was the sound of the waiter's groaning.
"What a blind dog. Master, let me teach him a lesson!"
Having heard all the offensive words, Baisu was fuming.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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