Chapter 131 [The End of the Battle]

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"Given that Prince Yu is such a highly-skilled martial artist, he'll be alright. Although we didn't hear any good news, neither did we hear any bad ones. Eat something, Master. Don't forget there's still someone eyeing on us."

Baiji brought a bowl of congee over as she vaguely reminded Lin Mengya that the Crown Prince was not going to let the matter rest yet.

"True enough."

Lin Mengya took the bowl from Baiji and started sipping from it.

The method the Crown Prince employed to deal with the situation this time was too cowardly.

When faced with an attack, the Crown Prince had totally disregarded the safety of his people, and ran off, fleeing for his own life. Who would entrust their lives and their family's lives into the hands of such a character?

Suddenly, Lin Mengya had a brainwave. Perhaps she could give the Crown Prince a surprise attack, so he would be caught unprepared.

Just when Lin Mengya was in the process of perfecting her plan, there was a stir outside her room.

Although the temporary imperial residence was relatively large, the rooms were limited.

In a moment like this, the Crown Prince was still concerned about his show of extravagance. Not only had he forcibly occupied many rooms, but he was also completely apathetic towards other people's situation.

In the temporary imperial residence at this moment, most of the imperial guards apart from the ones sent as military aid to Long Tianhao, were surrounding the Crown Prince.

All those who had arrived had been fleeing the whole way here.

Not only did they not have a room yet, they had not even had a drink of water. On the contrary, the Crown Prince remained more concerned about the display of his lavishness.

At this instant, some bold souls were beginning to voice out their dissatisfaction and complaints.

"Your Highness, if you continue in this manner, I'm afraid these people would start to develop discontentment towards you."

Lord Zhang, who was standing by the Crown Prince, said with caution.

Unfortunately, the Crown Prince was like a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow now. Any movement or stir would provoke his defense mechanism.

"Discontentment? Are they discontented with me? If not for these people delaying me on my journey, I would be back in the capital city by now."

These people were merely liability in the eyes of the Crown Prince.

Although those ministers were gone, there remained others in the court who acted as reserves, who would rise to the occasion.

He was the most honorable heir apparent to the throne. If any accident happened to him, even sacrificing the many lives would not make up the value of his life.

Lord Zhang was struck dumb. He knew the Crown Prince's character all too well.

On the surface, he might seem mature and steady, but inwardly, he was, in fact, unable to extricate himself from the Queen's control.

If the Queen had not been putting the Crown Prince under her control all these years, the situation would have been much more chaotic.

"Nevertheless, you can't just leave these people alone."

Lord Zhang was a senior minister in the royal court. He was certainly more far-sighted than the Crown Prince in some matters.

The Crown Prince had indeed fled with his confidante when he met with the enemy's attack. This alone was a stain on his reputation.

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