Chapter 130 [Give You the Credit]

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"Your Highness, Princess Yu, there's a girl in front of us, who claimed that she's Lord Yue's servant. She's come to deliver a letter to you."

The voice of a guard echoed outside the horse carriage. Lin Mengya thought it had to be a letter from Elder Sister Yue Ting. "She must have realized that we are lagging behind and have sent men to check on us."

"Please come up."

When the door of the carriage opened, a young lass with delicate features got in.

"Greetings to Princess Yu. I am Cui'er, a personal maidservant to Eldest Miss Yue."

She bowed to Lin Mengya with a smile, drew out from her sleeve a letter sealed with wax and presented it to Lin Mengya.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mengya was apparently not in a hurry to read it. On the contrary, her eyes lingered on Cui'er and in an unhurried manner, she asked her a question.

"How is Elder Sister Yue Ting's injury? I believe you would know her condition best since you're her personal maid."

Cui'er smiled and with a respectful tone, she answered, "Rest assured, Princess Yu. Eldest Miss Yue's injury is recovering well, and she's feeling much better."

Lin Mengya nodded and then she opened the letter.

Little did she expect that when she opened the letter sealed by wax, a white powdery substance sprayed out of the seemingly thin envelope.

Lin Mengya opened her eyes wide as she watched the maid broke out in a smile, but her body felt strengthless and she fell gently to the floor.

"Ma- Master-"

The four maidservants surrounding her fell to the floor of the horse carriage one by one, having lost all the ability to resist.

"I thought you were good, but it was really because he was so useless that he couldn't even manage to kill a few girls. Let me send you on your way then."

The girl tried to stifle her giggles by covering her mouth, and then she took out a small wooden box from inside her sleeve.

Carefully, she poured out its content. While Lin Mengya could see that it was a black beetle coming out of the box, she was not able to do anything about it.

"Go, my babe, bite them so they die."

The girl whispered those vicious words as she nudged the poisonous beetle forward with the box. To her surprise, the beetle took two steps forward, then stopped and refused to go further.

"What's happening? Go, get onto their bodies, which smell of your favorite scent."

However, the beetle just refused to move forward regardless of what she said.

Eventually, the girl became frantic. She reached out to pick up the beetle to fling it onto Lin Mengya, but never would she expect that the beetle actually turned around and crawled back into her sleeve with great speed. It continued up her arm all the way to somewhere close to her neck.

Then it bit down hard on her. Before the girl could even react, the venom quickly numbed her nerves and traveled along the major artery of her neck to spread to the rest of her body.

"You must have put in so much effort in obtaining that Usnea Diffracta Vain extract powder. On the other hand, this poisonous scorpion loves the nectar of the grape flower. How did you not realize that my guard smeared a little of the nectar on your neck when they did a body search the moment you stepped in?"

The girls lying on the floor just now had regained their strength by now.

Lin Mengya smiled as she fixed her gaze on the girl in front of her, whose countenance had turned purplish-green.

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