Chapter 135 [The Suspicious Gift of the Weasel]

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"Princess Ming Yue is after all our guest. We will definitely show her our hospitality. Your Highness, let's go and pay our respects our mother first."

Lin Mengya smiled as she deftly broke free from Jiang Ruqin's hold.

Long Tianhao's line of vision did not fall on Jiang Ruqin the entire time since they arrived.

Having been completely ignored, Jiang Ruqin began burning with rage.

Just wait and see. The coming days in the mansion would no longer be as plain sailing as before!

Being covered with dust, the group of returning people went into their respective courtyards to wash up.

Jin Yue hurried back to the Art Courtyard to announce their return and once Lin Mengya changed into clean clothes, she, accompanied by her maids headed to the Art Courtyard.

Just when they entered the door, the girls' laughter could be heard coming from outside.

A frown appeared on Lin Mengya's face when she realized that it was Princess Ming Yue. She was so fast.

"The princess had arrived—"

Instantly, all the eyes in the room turned to focus on Lin Mengya.

Lin Mengya bowed to Concubine De with poise and a gentle smile. Such mannerism was entirely different from the adorable girl she was in the temporary imperial residence.

"I was just saying that Princess Yu was such an outstanding character. From the moment I first laid eyes on Princess Yu, I felt a special affinity towards her."

Ming Yue was sitting beside Concubine De's on the seat which was supposedly Lin Mengya's.

Lin Mengya was not sure if Princess Ming Yue was doing this purposely or unknowingly, but somehow her seat was taken over by her.

"Isn't that so true? My cousin-in-law is indeed such an outstanding talent. My cousin is truly blessed to have married her."

Jiang Ruqin actually put a stop to her mean comments about Lin Mengya and playing along with Princess Ming Ye, she started singing praises about Lin Mengya.

"You're too kind and generous. I'm just the prince's assistant. The prince had made me come forward just because he did not wish to broadcast his work."

The two ladies felt as if they had been punching on soft cotton when Lin Mengya displayed such humility and discretion.

Concubine De shot the two ladies an impatient look.

"Alright, that's enough. Now, Mengya, don't just stand there, come and sit down."

Concubine De did not usually use such a casual and intimate tone when she spoke to her own niece, Jiang Ruqin.

However, she treated Lin Mengya like her own child.

Long Tianhao had sent men to come back to report to his mother all that had happened on Mount Lingju.

From the information she gathered, she clearly saw Mengya's magnanimity and her capability in carrying out important tasks. For this reason, Concubine De was increasingly approving of her daughter-in-law.

"The prince has arrived—"

Just when Lin Mengya took her seat, Long Tianhao appeared by the gate of the Art Courtyard.

By now, he had shed his tattered clothes and cleaned himself up. In this instant, he was back to his exceptional handsome self.

"Greetings of peace to mother. Please forgive me for causing you much anxiety."

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