Chapter 119 [Investigation and Gathering of Evidence]

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"Alright, I'm going. Do be very careful, lass."

Qinghu reached out his hand and stroked Lin Mengya's hair, as he raised his eyebrows and revealed a tender smile on his face.

Although it was merely a casual gesture, it appeared to Long Tianhao that Qinghu was trying to challenge him.

"I know. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself and protect myself."

Lin Mengya knew clearly in her heart that she was the person whom Qinghu was most concerned about.

Although Qinghu was usually frivolous, he was always very serious in matters regarding Lin Mengya's safety.

Qinghu nodded and stole another glance at the two men in there before exiting the tent.

When he turned, he realized the Long Tianhao was shooting a killer look at him.

"Your Highness?"

Lin Mengya called out to Prince Yu, with bewilderment in her eyes.

What did Long Tianhao look so displeased on this face? Could it be because their plan was not proceeding smoothly?

"Nothing. What did you ask Qinghu to do?"

Usually, Long Tianhao was not the kind of person to probe into other people's business.

He usually worked separately with Lin Mengya and usually leave each other alone in their private matters.

Nevertheless, for some reason today, when he saw how intimate Qinghu and Lin Mengya were, he could not help feeling a little displeased.

He had the feeling that they were sharing a small secret but keeping him out of it.

An awkward feeling arose in the Prince's heart.

"It is nothing really."

Lin Mengya did not think much of it after pondering for a while, and she eventually told him everything that happened right from the beginning.

"Never would anyone expect that such a thing as secretly switching people around would also happen in the Yue Family."

Long Qinghan exclaimed in astonishment and shook his head after listening to Lin Mengya.

"Also? Had someone else done it before too?"

Lin Mengya noted that Long Qinghan did not sound too surprised by what she said.

Long Tianhao and Long Qinghan looked at each other for a second and finally Long Tianhao said,

"Indeed, thirteen years ago, His Majesty, my father fancied a girl named Qing Lian. She was initially a singer in court workshop who was subsequently given the title of a beauty queen. However, who would have expected that three years later, Beauty Lian's temperament changed drastically and quickly provoked my father to anger. As a result, she was dragged in limbo."

So it turned out that there was such a precedent case. Lin Mengya was surprised to learn about such things happening in the palace.

"Later on, Beauty Lian committed suicide in limbo. However, no one would have expected that a very popular prostitute, looking exactly like Beauty Lian, appeared in Ruyun brothel in the capital city. Subsequently, the people in the capital city said that she became crazy and claimed that she used to be the Emperor's woman."

A beauty queen in the palace had been switched and sent to the brothel to become its most popular prostitute.

Everyone who heard about this would think that this was unimaginable.

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