Chapter 127 [The Mysterious Murder]

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Hey guys it's Ang, sorry for not updating for so long, I couldn't log into my account and sth was wrong with my wattpad. Deepest apologies to those who texted me for a update and I replied I was gonna do so, I actually planned to upload around 23rd of October but sth went wrong and I could only log back in tdy, so I'm gonna do a mass update as compensation guys. I might upload around 10+ chapters so stay tuned. Love u guys, also thanks for being patient. Enjoy 💕
"Bei, protect Ming Yue while you retreat with the others."

King Ming was indeed an iron man. Despite being faced with a situation of being outnumbered by his enemies, he was still determined to fight for his children's life.

"Father, please retreat with Ming Yue and let me fight side by side with Qinghan!"

Before King Ming could say no, Hu Tianbei had grabbed a sword from his guard and dashed out of the tent.

All the ladies in the tent were shaking like leaves, while Lin Mengya was the only one who maintained her composure.

"What should we do now, Master?"

Baiji tugged at Lin Mengya's sleeve and asked with panic in her large eyes.

"Don't panic yet. Let's check out the situation first. Prince Yu has gone out to fight and together with the guards, they'd manage for the moment."

The first thought that came to Lin Mengya's mind was that these were the killers of Peach Blossom Dock. If only Qinghu was around, he could tell Long Tianhao the weaknesses of these killers.

Unfortunately, she had sent Qinghu away to investigate the matter regarding Mrs. Yue's identity.

"Your Highness... the Crown Prince! It's not time to go out yet!"

The Crown Prince was struck with fear and trepidation when he realized the state of chaos outside the tent. He had the urge to flee right away but was fearful of possible ambushes.

"Your Highness, judging from the situation, we can't possibly continue with this confrontation. How about we all go back to our tents and start packing, so we could descend the mountain?"

As Lin Mengya offered her suggestion, the Crown Prince was in no mood to be bothered about her. By this time, he had already gone into a panic state.

"Alright, let's do as you say."

The Crown Prince responded without thinking. The fear for his life was foremost in his mind, so much so that he was in no mood to obstruct whatever Lin Mengya was planning to do.

Apart from Lin Mengya, some of the ministers also went back to their tents to provide assurance to their families.

All the tents were guarded by their own guards at the entrances at this moment.

Not far from the tents, the imperial guards surrounded the campground, forming a human wall to protect the tents in it.

Lin Mengya remained standing at where she was as she lifted her eyes and looked afar.

Although she felt that something was amiss, she could not put a finger to it.

Upon her return to the tent, Baisu was on high alert. When she realized that it was Lin Mengya who was approaching, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, the entire place outside is in chaos. Young Master has instructed me to bring you to a safer place."

As she reflected on her words, Lin Mengya realized that she had not seen Lin Zhongyu since this morning.

"Where is Xiaoyu? Is he safe and sound at this moment?"

Under such a tumultuous situation, it was likely that Lin Zhongyu would meet dangers. For this reason, Lin Mengya could not help worrying about him.

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