Chapter 111 [Escape of the White Tiger]

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Hey guys, just another notice cause I want u guys opinion on sth. I actually have plans to not continue this book anymore cause the original book itself has over 2500 chapters and it still is ongoing and haven't actually finished. Not many people would like to read dt much so I juz wanna ask if u guys would like me to continue or stop and just delete it or have other more options???? Luv yew guys. Dis the 3rd update of tdy.
"If so many people had surrounded the tiger to capture it, would it be able to live?"

Baizhi could not help feeling afraid as she looked at the shiny swords in the hands of the guard.

"Regardless of whether the tiger survives, I'm afraid the baby in its womb would not survive."

Although it was getting dark, the white tiger remained conspicuous.

She supposed the people still wanted to catch the white tiger alive, so it remained unscathed at the moment.

"Follow me into the tent; Xiaoyu, please help me get Prince Yu to come over."

The white tiger rescue mission could not be delayed any longer. Lin Mengya led her four maidservants to take cover inside the tent.

"Baizhi, Baishao and Baiji, please take Snow with you and hide in the tent. Don't get out of the tent if there are no accidents, lest any of you be injured. Baisu, you'll be in charge of keeping the three of them safe. I want to make sure that no one would take advantage of the chaos to harm us.

Lin Mengya gave the orders with poise. She made sure that those who needed protection got what they need. She would not allow anyone to take advantage of the situation to do something worse.

The curtain of the tent was drawn and Long Tianhao's lanky figure appeared and he entered the tent.

"What's the situation outside, Your Highness?"

As Lin Mengya realized that Long Tianhao had changed into a plain color hunting suit, she guessed that the other men were daredevils at this moment.

The game of ambushing the tiger had simply started earlier than planned.

"The Crown Prince and King Ming had also joined in the ambush and hunting of the tiger. I'm afraid the plan we discussed the other day is useless now. The rest of the members of the royal and noble families had gathered in the large tent. Do you want to join them?"

Shaking her head, Lin Mengya did not wish to join the crowd.

They were rather close to the large tent and safely guarded by the imperial guards. They should not be in any danger.

"In that case, do take to keep out of danger, Your Highness, lest someone tries to harm you while taking advantage of the chaotic situation."

How did the tiger escape in the first place?

Lin Mengya could sense something was amiss, Long Tianhao was worried when he saw that Lin Mengya had looked down and gone into deep thoughts.

She almost always worried over him whenever something happened.

He instinctively put his large palm on Lin Mengya's head and stroked her hair, as he said,

"Rest assured, I'll be alright."

He did not realize that it was such tender gesture.

"Alright, do be careful, Your Highness. There's nothing we can do about that tiger. We could only leave it to destiny."

It was not so much that she did not want to save its life anymore, rather, the situation had turned precarious and she had to play by ear as to how she should react.

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