Chapter 120 [The Death of Hu Lunan]

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4th update of today, gonna post 10 or more as a way of apologising to ya'll. Enjoy 😊 
Long Tianhao and Lin Zhongyu stood in front of the tent entrance and watched as the girls went in and out of the tent.

After they busied themselves for a period of time, suddenly, there was a loud cry which came from within the tent.

"Ah!... How did this happen?"

"My sister, my pitiful sister!"

Fortunately, they did not hear the voice of Lin Mengya. The two men at the entrance of the tent gave each other a look as they tried to suppress their anxiety.

After the noise died down, Lin Mengya emerged from the tent, her face ashen.

"What happened, Elder Sister, why you look so...?"

Lin Zhongyu was the first to approach Lin Mengya to tug on her sleeve and asked with caution.

"I'm alright, I just didn't expect that brute to do such a cruel thing to Elder Sister Yue Ting."

As a medical student in modern times, Lin Mengya was rather numbed to the sight of dead bodies of all shapes and sizes.

However, what she saw of Elder Sister Yue Ting's lower body shocked her.

Those b*stards not only sexually assaulted her, they even...

How did the pitiful Elder Sister Yue Ting endure all the sufferings? If not because of the fever caused by the septic wounds, would she continue keeping quiet about it?

Lin Mengya was overwhelmed with anger that she began trembling. If Baiji had not tried to restrain her, she might have gone out to look for those perpetrators to take revenge on them.

"Elder Sister, please do you bring harm upon yourself by being furious. I will get someone to kill those perpetrators."

Lin Zhongyu looked at his Elder Sister with pain in his eyes, as he reached out for Lin Mengya's hands which had been balled up into fists and pried them open.

Lin Zhongyu was troubled to see that Lin Mengya's palms had been pierced by her own nails to produced blood red lines.

"They are all dead."

Long Tianhao stood before Lin Mengya and there was a chilly look in his eyes.

He had killed those b*stards earlier on. In retrospect, he had been too kind to them.

There was fiery furry in Lin Mengya's eyes, while her body had already accumulated such great hatred that it could destroy the entire heavens and the earth.

"That's right, they were all dead now, but the real culprit is still alive and kicking."

Lin Mengya's voice was so cold that it could freeze people to death. Her furious eyes were directed at the Crown Prince's tent not far away.

Fortunately, the surrounding tents had been relocated.

The remaining tents around them belonged to Long Tianhao's confidantes. It was almost impossible for others to hear those words spoken by Lin Mengya.

"Don't act impulsively because we will be able to revenge for Yue Ting soon."

Long Tianhao tried to stand in Lin Mengya's way, fearing that she would act rashly, so as to bring about serious consequences which they could not salvage.

"Rest assured; I understand."

As she said this to Long Tianhao, she began gradually suppressing the anger and hatred and carefully concealing it in her heart.

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